.. _troubleshoot-installation: Troubleshooting ================ This is a selection of typical problems. If your problem is not listed below, please check the issues for all related repositories: - `myo_blink `_ - `flexrayusbinterface `_ - `MyoRobotics-Documentation `_ ---- .. _device-not-opened: Could not connect to the myo motor: device not opened ------------------------------------------------------- There are a number of possible reasons: You do not have read/write access to the device /dev/ttyUSBn. Where **n** is a number ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Verify this by running: .. code-block:: bash cat /dev/ttyUSBn - If you get a 'device not found' you didn't replace the right number for n in ttyUSBn - If you do not get anything, just a clean return you have correct access rights. Press Ctrl+C and find the problem elsewhere. - If you get a 'permission denied' then you have verified this problem. Add yourself to the 'dialout' group as described here: :ref:`add-to-dialout`. ---- The configured serial number does not match the serial number of the USB2FlexRay adapter ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Go and **double check** it by following the instructions here: :ref:`find-set-usb-serial` ---- You did not install the dependencies of flexrayusbinterface +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Go and do it. No harm in doing it twice.: :ref:`install-flexrayusbinterface` ---- You did not install the udev rules ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Check if there is a file called '30-ftdi.rules' in '/etc/udev/rules.d/': .. code-block:: bash ls -alh /etc/udev/rules.d # if you don't get back anything try it with sudo: # sudo ls -alh /etc/udev/rules.d - The file should contain a line with something like this at the end: .. code-block:: bash /sys/bus/usb/drivers/ftdi_sio/unbind - If it does, compare it with the file supplied by 'flexrayusbinterface'. It is located at: .. code-block:: bash roscd flexrayusbinterface/udev - If they match, there might be something wrong with these rules for your system. Try the option below. ---- Something in the udev rules is not right ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Manually try to unload the ftdi_sio and usbserial kernel modules as described in the :ref:`Manually unloading ftdi_sio and usbserial ` and try the roslaunch command again - If that does help, use the manually loading as a workaround. Research udev files and how do unload kernel modules. If you are stuck or found a better solution, please create an issue on github at: `flexrayusbinterface `_ - If that does not help find the problem somewhere else. Have you checked your permissions as in the first step?