struct Cable

Public Members

string name
vector<ViaPointPtr> viaPoints

name of the cable

class CableLengthController : public controller_interface::Controller<hardware_interface::CardsflowCommandInterface>

Public Functions



bool init(hardware_interface::CardsflowCommandInterface *hw, ros::NodeHandle &n)

Initializes the controller.

Will be call by controller_manager when loading this controller



  • hw: pointer to the hardware interface

  • n: the nodehandle

void update(const ros::Time &time, const ros::Duration &period)

Called regularily by controller manager.

The length change of the cables wrt to a PD controller on the joint target position is calculated.

  • time: current time

  • period: period since last control

void starting(const ros::Time &time)

Called by controller manager when the controller is about to be started.

  • time: current time

void stopping(const ros::Time &time)

Called by controller manager when the controller is about to be stopped.

  • time: current time

void JointPositionCommand(const std_msgs::Float32ConstPtr &msg)

Joint position command callback for this joint.

  • msg: joint position target in radians

bool setControllerParameters(roboy_control_msgs::SetControllerParameters::Request &req, roboy_control_msgs::SetControllerParameters::Response &res)

Controller Parameters service.



  • req: requested gains

  • res: success

Private Members

double Kp = 100
double Kd = 0
double p_error_last = 0

PD gains.

ros::NodeHandle nh

last error

ros::Publisher controller_state

ROS nodehandle.

ros::ServiceServer controller_parameter_srv

publisher for controller state

boost::shared_ptr<ros::AsyncSpinner> spinner

service for controller parameters

hardware_interface::CardsflowHandle joint

ROS async spinner.

ros::Subscriber joint_command

cardsflow joint handle for access to joint/cable model state

string joint_name

joint command subscriber

int joint_index

name of the controlled joint

ros::Time last_update

index of the controlled joint in the robot model

class CableLengthVelocityController : public controller_interface::Controller<hardware_interface::CardsflowCommandInterface>

Public Functions



bool init(hardware_interface::CardsflowCommandInterface *hw, ros::NodeHandle &n)

Initializes the controller.

Will be call by controller_manager when loading this controller



  • hw: pointer to the hardware interface

  • n: the nodehandle

void update(const ros::Time &time, const ros::Duration &period)

Called regularily by controller manager.

The length change of the cables wrt to a PD controller on the joint target position is calculated.

  • time: current time

  • period: period since last control

void starting(const ros::Time &time)

Called by controller manager when the controller is about to be started.

  • time: current time

void stopping(const ros::Time &time)

Called by controller manager when the controller is about to be stopped.

  • time: current time

void JointVelocityCommand(const std_msgs::Float32ConstPtr &msg)

Joint position command callback for this joint.

  • msg: joint position target in radians

bool setControllerParameters(roboy_control_msgs::SetControllerParameters::Request &req, roboy_control_msgs::SetControllerParameters::Response &res)

Controller Parameters service.



  • req: requested gains

  • res: success

Private Members

double Kp = 0.1
double Kd = 0
double p_error_last = 0

PD gains.

ros::NodeHandle nh

last error

ros::Publisher controller_state

ROS nodehandle.

ros::ServiceServer controller_parameter_srv

publisher for controller state

boost::shared_ptr<ros::AsyncSpinner> spinner

service for controller parameters

hardware_interface::CardsflowHandle joint

ROS async spinner.

ros::Subscriber joint_command

cardsflow joint handle for access to joint/cable model state

string joint_name

joint command subscriber

int joint_index

name of the controlled joint

ros::Time last_update

index of the controlled joint in the robot model

class CardsflowCommandInterface : public HardwareResourceManager<CardsflowHandle, ClaimResources>
class CardsflowHandle : public hardware_interface::CardsflowStateHandle

Public Functions

CardsflowHandle(const CardsflowStateHandle &js, double *joint_position_cmd, double *joint_velocity_cmd, double *joint_torque_cmd, VectorXd *motor_cmd)

  • js: joint state handle

  • joint_position_cmd: joint position command

  • joint_velocity_cmd: joint velocity command

  • joint_torque_cmd: joint torque command

  • motor_cmd: cable command

  • js: This joint’s state handle

  • cmd: A pointer to the storage for this joint’s output command

void setMotorCommand(VectorXd command)

Cable length command.

  • command:

double getJointPositionCommand() const

Returns the joint position command.


joint position command

double getJointVelocityCommand() const

Returns the joint velocity command.


joint velocity command

double getJointTorqueCommand() const

Returns the joint torque command.


joint torque command

void setJointPositionCommand(double cmd)

Sets the joint position command.

  • cmd: joint position command

void setJointVelocityCommand(double cmd)

Sets the joint velocity command.

  • cmd: joint velocity command

void setJointTorqueCommand(double cmd)

Sets the joint torque command.

  • cmd: joint torque command

Private Members

double *joint_position_cmd_
double *joint_velocity_cmd_
double *joint_torque_cmd_
VectorXd *motor_cmd_

joint position/velocity/torque command

class CardsflowRviz : public Panel, public rviz_visualization

Public Functions

CardsflowRviz(QWidget *parent = 0)
void load(const rviz::Config &config)

Load all configuration data for this panel from the given Config object.

  • config: rviz config file

void save(rviz::Config config) const

Save all configuration data from this panel to the given Config object.

It is important here that you call save() on the parent class so the class id and panel name get saved.

  • config: rviz config file

Public Slots

void show_mesh()

Toggles mesh visualization.

void show_collision()

Toggles collision visualization.

void show_target()

Toggles target visualization.

void show_tendon()

Toggles tendon visualization.

void show_tendon_length()

Toggles tendon length visualization.

void show_force()

Toggles force visualization.

void show_torque()

Toggles torque visualization.

void visualizePose()

Visualization of Pose.

void visualizeCollision()

Visualization of Collision Shapes.

void visualizePoseTarget()

Visualization of Pose Target.

void visualizeTendon()

Visualization of Tendon.

void visualizeTendonTarget()

Visualization of Tendon Target.

void visualizeTorque()

Visualization of Torque.

void visualizeTorqueTarget()

Visualization of Torque Target.


void visualizePoseSignal()
void visualizeCollisionSignal()
void visualizeTargetSignal()
void visualizePoseTargetSignal()
void visualizeTendonSignal()
void visualizeTendonTargetSignal()
void visualizeTorqueSignal()
void visualizeTorqueTargetSignal()

Private Functions

void RobotState(const geometry_msgs::PoseStampedConstPtr &msg)

Callback to robot state messages.

  • msg:

void RobotStateTarget(const geometry_msgs::PoseStampedConstPtr &msg)

Callback to robot state target messages.

  • msg:

void TendonState(const roboy_simulation_msgs::TendonConstPtr &msg)

Callback for Tendon state messages.

  • msg:

void TendonStateTarget(const roboy_simulation_msgs::TendonConstPtr &msg)

Callback for Tendon state target messages.

  • msg:

void JointState(const roboy_simulation_msgs::JointStateConstPtr &msg)

Callback for Joint state messages.

  • msg:

void JointStateTarget(const roboy_simulation_msgs::JointStateConstPtr &msg)

Callback for Joint state target messages.

  • msg:

Private Members

ros::NodeHandlePtr nh
boost::shared_ptr<ros::AsyncSpinner> spinner
ros::Subscriber robot_state
ros::Subscriber tendon_state
ros::Subscriber joint_state
ros::Subscriber robot_state_target
ros::Subscriber tendon_state_target
ros::Subscriber joint_state_target
tf::TransformListener tf_listener
tf::TransformBroadcaster tf_broadcaster
map<string, geometry_msgs::Pose> pose
map<string, geometry_msgs::Pose> pose_target
map<string, Tendon> tendon
map<string, Tendon> tendon_target
map<string, geometry_msgs::Vector3> joint_origin
map<string, geometry_msgs::Vector3> joint_origin_target
map<string, geometry_msgs::Vector3> joint_axis
map<string, geometry_msgs::Vector3> joint_axis_target
map<string, double> torque
map<string, double> torque_target
bool visualize_pose = true
bool visualize_collisions = true
bool visualize_targets = true
bool visualize_tendon = true
bool visualize_tendon_length = true
bool visualize_force = false
bool visualize_torque = false
bool visualize_tendon_target = true
bool visualize_tendon_length_target = true
bool visualize_force_target = false
bool visualize_torque_target = false
QPushButton *show_mesh_button
QPushButton *show_collision_button
QPushButton *show_target_button
QPushButton *show_tendon_button
QPushButton *show_force_button
QPushButton *show_torque_button
QPushButton *show_tendon_length_button
QSlider *mesh_transparency
QSlider *cable_thickness
QSlider *tendon_length_text_size
string model_name
class CardsflowStateHandle

Subclassed by hardware_interface::CardsflowHandle

Public Functions

CardsflowStateHandle(const std::string &name, int joint_index, const double *pos, const double *vel, const double *acc, const MatrixXd *L, const MatrixXd *M, const VectorXd *CG)

  • name: The name of the joint

  • joint_index: index of the joint in the robot model

  • pos: joint position

  • vel: joint velocity

  • acc: joint acceleration

  • L: pointer to the L matrix

  • M: pointer to the mass matrix

  • CG: pointer to the Coriolis+Gravity vector

  • name: The name of the joint

  • joint_index: index of the joint in the robot model

  • pos: A pointer to the storage for this joint’s position

  • vel: A pointer to the storage for this joint’s velocity

std::string getName() const

Returns the joint name.


joint name

int getJointIndex() const

Returns the joint index in the robot model.


joint index

double getPosition() const

Returns the currect joint position.


joint position

double getVelocity() const

Returns the currect joint velocity.


joint velocity

double getAcceleration() const

Returns the currect joint acceleration.


joint acceleration

MatrixXd getL() const

Returns the cable model L matrix.



MatrixXd getM() const

Returns the robot Mass matrix.



VectorXd getCG() const

Returns the robot Coriolis+Gravity vector.



Private Members

std::string name_
int joint_index_

joint name

const double *pos_

joint index

const double *vel_

joint position

const double *acc_

joint velocity

const VectorXd *CG_

joint acceleration

const MatrixXd *L_

Coriolis+Gravity vector.

const MatrixXd *M_
class CardsflowStateInterface : public HardwareResourceManager<CardsflowStateHandle>
struct COLOR

Public Functions

COLOR(float r, float g, float b, float a)
void randColor()

Public Members

float r
float g
float b
float a
struct EigenRobotAcceleration

Public Functions

void resize(int nrOfInternalDOFs)
void random()

Public Members

Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> baseAcc
Eigen::VectorXd jointAcc
struct EigenRobotState

A tutorial on how to use the KinDynComputations class with Eigen data structures.

CopyPolicy: Released under the terms of LGPL 2.0+ or later Struct containing the floating robot state using Eigen data structures.


Silvio Traversaro

Public Functions

void resize(int nrOfInternalDOFs)
void random()

Public Members

Eigen::Matrix4d world_H_base
Eigen::VectorXd jointPos
Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> baseVel
Eigen::VectorXd jointVel
Eigen::Vector3d gravity
class ForcePositionController : public controller_interface::Controller<hardware_interface::CardsflowCommandInterface>

Public Functions



bool init(hardware_interface::CardsflowCommandInterface *hw, ros::NodeHandle &n)

Initializes the controller.

Will be call by controller_manager when loading this controller



  • hw: pointer to the hardware interface

  • n: the nodehandle

void update(const ros::Time &time, const ros::Duration &period)

Called regularily by controller manager.

The torque for a joint wrt to a PD controller on the joint target position is calculated.

  • time: current time

  • period: period since last control

void starting(const ros::Time &time)

Called by controller manager when the controller is about to be started.

  • time: current time

void stopping(const ros::Time &time)

Called by controller manager when the controller is about to be stopped.

  • time: current time

void JointPositionCommand(const std_msgs::Float32ConstPtr &msg)

Joint position command callback for this joint.

  • msg: joint position target in radians

bool setControllerParameters(roboy_control_msgs::SetControllerParameters::Request &req, roboy_control_msgs::SetControllerParameters::Response &res)

Controller Parameters service.



  • req: requested gains

  • res: success

Private Members

double q_target = 0
double p_error_prev = 0

joint position target

double Kp = 1
double Kd = 0
ros::NodeHandle nh

PD gains.

ros::Publisher controller_state

ROS nodehandle.

ros::ServiceServer controller_parameter_srv

publisher for controller state

boost::shared_ptr<ros::AsyncSpinner> spinner

service for controller parameters

hardware_interface::CardsflowHandle joint
ros::Subscriber joint_command

cardsflow joint handle for access to joint/cable model state

string joint_name

joint command subscriber

int joint_index

name of the controlled joint

template<typename _Scalar, int NX = Dynamic, int NY = Dynamic>
struct Functor

Public Types

enum [anonymous]


InputsAtCompileTime = NX
ValuesAtCompileTime = NY
typedef _Scalar Scalar
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, InputsAtCompileTime, 1> InputType
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, ValuesAtCompileTime, 1> ValueType
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, ValuesAtCompileTime, InputsAtCompileTime> JacobianType

Public Functions

Functor(int inputs, int values)
int inputs() const
int values() const

Public Members

const int m_inputs
const int m_values
struct iDynTreeRobotAcceleration

Public Functions

void resize(int nrOfInternalDOFs)

Public Members

iDynTree::Vector6 baseAcc
iDynTree::VectorDynSize jointAcc
struct iDynTreeRobotState

the base link of each endeffector

Public Functions

void resize(int nrOfInternalDOFs)

Public Members

iDynTree::Transform world_H_base
iDynTree::VectorDynSize jointPos
iDynTree::Twist baseVel
iDynTree::VectorDynSize jointVel
iDynTree::Vector3 gravity
struct iDynTreeRobotState

Struct containing the floating robot state using iDynTree data structures.

For the semantics of this structures, see KinDynComputation::setRobotState method.

Public Functions

void resize(int nrOfInternalDOFs)

Public Members

iDynTree::Transform world_H_base
iDynTree::VectorDynSize jointPos
iDynTree::Twist baseVel
iDynTree::VectorDynSize jointVel
iDynTree::Vector3 gravity
struct iDynTreeRobotState

the base link of each endeffector

Public Functions

void resize(int nrOfInternalDOFs)

Public Members

iDynTree::Transform world_H_base
iDynTree::VectorDynSize jointPos
iDynTree::Twist baseVel
iDynTree::VectorDynSize jointVel
iDynTree::Vector3 gravity
class MeasureExecutionTime

Public Functions

MeasureExecutionTime(string logfile_name)
void start()
double stop(const char *name)

Private Members

time_point<Clock> start_point
time_point<Clock> stop_point
ofstream log_file
class MotorConfig

Public Functions

bool readConfig(const string &filepath)

Reads a yaml motor config file.



  • filepath: to config

bool writeConfig(const string &filepath)

Writes a yaml motor config file.



  • filepath:

bool fileExists(const string &filepath)

Checks if a file exists.



  • filepath:

double displacement2force(double displacement, int fpga, int motor)

Transforms displacement to force using loaded coefficients.



  • displacement:

  • fpga: for this fpga

  • motor: motor id (as listed in read config)

double force2displacement(double force, int fpga, int motor)

Transforms force to displacement using loaded coefficients.



  • displacement:

  • fpga: for this fpga

  • motor: motor id (as listed in read config)

Public Members

vector<vector<vector<float>>> coeffs_displacement2force
vector<vector<vector<float>>> coeffs_force2displacement
class MsjPlatform : public cardsflow::kindyn::Robot, public cardsflow::kindyn::Robot

Public Functions

MsjPlatform(string urdf, string cardsflow_xml)


  • urdf: path to urdf

  • cardsflow_xml: path to cardsflow xml

void read()

Updates the robot model and if we do not use gazebo for simulation, we integrate using the forwardKinematics function with a small step length.

void write()

Sends motor commands to the real robot.

bool GymStepService(roboy_simulation_msgs::GymStep::Request &req, roboy_simulation_msgs::GymStep::Response &res)
bool GymResetService(roboy_simulation_msgs::GymReset::Request &req, roboy_simulation_msgs::GymReset::Response &res)
MsjPlatform(string urdf, string cardsflow_xml)


  • urdf: path to urdf

  • cardsflow_xml: path to cardsflow xml

void read()

Updates the robot model and if we do not use gazebo for simulation, we integrate using the forwardKinematics function with a small step length.

void write()

Sends motor commands to the real robot.

int pnpoly(vector<double> limits_x, vector<double> limits_y, double testx, double testy)
void randomPose()

Public Members

bool external_robot_state
ros::NodeHandlePtr nh

indicates if we get the robot state externally

ros::Publisher motor_command

ROS nodehandle.

ros::ServiceServer gym_step

motor command publisher

ros::ServiceServer gym_reset
double l_offset

motor command publisher

float Kp = 0.001
ros::Publisher sphere_axis0
ros::Publisher sphere_axis1
ros::Publisher sphere_axis2
vector<double> limits[3]
boost::shared_ptr<std::thread> pose_thread
class Rickshaw_pedaling : public cardsflow::kindyn::Robot

Public Functions

Rickshaw_pedaling(string urdf, string cardsflow_xml)


  • urdf: path to urdf

  • cardsflow_xml: path to cardsflow xml

void read()

Updates the robot model and integrates the robot model using the forwardKinematics function with a small step length.

void write()

Sends motor commands to the real robot.

Public Members

ros::NodeHandlePtr nh
ros::Publisher motor_command

ROS nodehandle.

ros::ServiceClient motor_config

motor command publisher

ros::ServiceClient sphere_left_axis0_params
ros::ServiceClient sphere_left_axis1_params
ros::ServiceClient sphere_left_axis2_params
map<string, ros::ServiceClient> motor_control_mode
vector<string> endeffectors = {"spine_right"}
map<string, vector<string>> endeffector_jointnames
bool external_robot_state
map<string,vector<short unsigned int> > Rickshaw_pedaling::motors= { {"head",{9,10,11,12,13,14}}, {"shoulder_left",{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}}, {"shoulder_right",{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11}}, {"spine_right",{9,10,11,12,13,14}} }

indicates if we get the robot state externally

map<string,vector<short unsigned int> > Rickshaw_pedaling::sim_motors= { {"head",{36,37,35,34,32,33}}, {"shoulder_left",{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}}, {"shoulder_right",{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11}}, {"spine_right",{11,10,13,14,12,9}} }
map<string,vector<double> > Rickshaw_pedaling::l_offset= { {"head",{0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"shoulder_left",{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"shoulder_right",{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"spine_right",{0,0,0,0,0,0}} }
class Rikshaw : public cardsflow::kindyn::Robot, public cardsflow::kindyn::Robot

Public Functions

Rikshaw(string urdf, string cardsflow_xml)


  • urdf: path to urdf

  • cardsflow_xml: path to cardsflow xml

void read()

Updates the robot model and integrates the robot model using the forwardKinematics function with a small step length.

void write()

Sends motor commands to the real robot.

Rikshaw(string urdf, string cardsflow_xml)


  • urdf: path to urdf

  • cardsflow_xml: path to cardsflow xml

void MotorStatus(const roboy_middleware_msgs::MotorStatus::ConstPtr &msg)
void read()

Updates the robot model and integrates the robot model using the forwardKinematics function with a small step length.

void write()

Sends motor commands to the real robot.

Public Members

ros::NodeHandlePtr nh
ros::Publisher motor_command

ROS nodehandle.

ros::ServiceClient motor_config

motor command publisher

ros::ServiceClient sphere_left_axis0_params
ros::ServiceClient sphere_left_axis1_params
ros::ServiceClient sphere_left_axis2_params
map<string, ros::ServiceClient> motor_control_mode
vector<string> endeffectors = {"spine_right"}
map<string, vector<string>> endeffector_jointnames
bool external_robot_state
map< string, vector< short unsigned int > > Rikshaw::motors= { {"head",{9,10,11,12,13,14}}, {"shoulder_left",{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}}, {"shoulder_right",{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11}}, {"spine_right",{9,10,11,12,13,14}} }

indicates if we get the robot state externally

map< string, vector< short unsigned int > > Rikshaw::sim_motors= { {"head",{36,37,35,34,32,33}}, {"shoulder_left",{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}}, {"shoulder_right",{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11}}, {"spine_right",{11,10,13,14,12,9}} }
map< string, vector< double > > Rikshaw::l_offset= { {"head",{0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"shoulder_left",{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"shoulder_right",{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"spine_right",{0,0,0,0,0,0}} }
ros::Publisher joint_hip_left

motor command publisher

ros::Publisher joint_hip_right
ros::Publisher joint_knee_left
ros::Publisher joint_knee_right
ros::Publisher joint_foot_left
ros::Publisher joint_foot_right
ros::Publisher left_shoulder_axis0
ros::Publisher left_shoulder_axis1
ros::Publisher left_shoulder_axis2
ros::Publisher elbow_left_rot0
ros::Publisher elbow_left_rot1
ros::Publisher left_wrist_0
ros::Publisher left_wrist_1
ros::Publisher right_shoulder_axis0
ros::Publisher right_shoulder_axis1
ros::Publisher right_shoulder_axis2
ros::Publisher elbow_right_rot0
ros::Publisher elbow_right_rot1
ros::Publisher right_wrist_0
ros::Publisher right_wrist_1
ros::Subscriber motor_status
map<string, ros::ServiceClient> motor_config
bool status_received = false

indicates if we get the robot state externally

std_msgs::Float32 roll
std_msgs::Float32 pitch
std_msgs::Float32 yaw
float err_x = 0
float error_y = 0
float pitch_max = 0.33
float pitch_min = -0.50
float yaw_min = -0.50
float yaw_max = 0
map<string,vector<double> > Rikshaw::encoder_offset= { {"head",{0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"shoulder_left",{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"shoulder_right",{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"spine_right",{0,0,0,0,0,0}} }
class Robot : public rviz_visualization

Subclassed by Roboy2, RoboyIcecream

Public Functions





void init(string urdf_file_path, string viapoints_file_path, vector<string> joint_names)

initializes everything, call before use!

  • urdf_file_path: path to robot urdf

  • viapoints_file_path: path to viapoints xml

  • joint_names: a vector of joint_names to be considered from the model

void update()

Updates the model.

virtual void read()

This is the read function and should implement reading the state of your robot.

virtual void write()

This is the write function and should implement writing commands to your robot.

Public Members

iDynTree::KinDynComputations kinDynComp
iDynTree::KinDynComputations kinDynCompTarget
size_t number_of_dofs = 0

the full robot model

vector<string> endeffectors

number of degrees of freedom of the whole robot

map<string, size_t> endeffector_index

names of the endeffectors

vector<size_t> endeffector_number_of_dofs
vector<size_t> endeffector_dof_offset
size_t number_of_joints = 0

number of degrees of freedom of each endeffector

size_t number_of_cables = 0

number of joints of the whole robot

size_t number_of_links = 0

number of cables, ie muscles of the whole robot

Matrix4d world_H_base

number of links of the whole robot

floating base 6-DoF pose

vector<Matrix4d> frame_transform
Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> baseVel
Vector3d gravity

the velocity of the floating base

MatrixXd M

gravity vector (default: (0,0,-9.81)

VectorXd CG

The Mass matrix of the robot.

VectorXd q

The Coriolis+Gravity term of the robot.

VectorXd qd
VectorXd qdd
VectorXd q_min

joint positon, velocity, acceleration

VectorXd q_max
VectorXd q_target

joint limits

VectorXd qd_target
VectorXd qdd_target
VectorXd q_target_prev

joint positon, velocity, acceleration targets

VectorXd qd_target_prev
VectorXd qdd_target_prev
VectorXd l_int

joint positon, velocity, acceleration targets

VectorXd l
VectorXd l_target
vector<VectorXd> Ld

tendon length and length change

VectorXd torques
VectorXd cable_forces

joint torques

vector<VectorXd> ld

the cable forces in Newton

MatrixXd L

tendon length changes for each controller

MatrixXd L_t
MatrixXd S

L and -L^T.

MatrixXd P
MatrixXd V
MatrixXd W
vector<vector<pair<ViaPointPtr, ViaPointPtr>>> segments

matrices of cable model

bool external_robot_state

cable segments

bool simulated = false

indicates if we get the robot state externally

bool initialized = false

indicates if the robots is simulated or hardware is used

Protected Types

typedef boost::array<double, 2> state_type

odeint integration time

Protected Attributes

iDynTree::FreeFloatingGeneralizedTorques bias
iDynTree::MatrixDynSize Mass

Coriolis+Gravity term.

bool torque_position_controller_active = false

Mass matrix.

bool force_position_controller_active = false
bool cable_length_controller_active = false
VectorXd qdd_torque_control
VectorXd qdd_force_control
vector<Cable> cables
vector<VectorXd> joint_axis

all cables of the robot

joint axis of each joint

vector<string> joint_names

link and joint names of the robot

map<string, int> joint_index
vector<ros::Publisher> joint_command_pub

link and joint indices of the robot

vector<int> controller_type
double integration_time = 0

currently active controller type

vector<state_type> joint_state

second order dynamics integration

vector<state_type> motor_state
bool first_time_solving = true

joint and cable states

int nWSR = 1000
VectorXd f_min

qp working sets

VectorXd f_max
int qp_print_level = PL_NONE
SQProblem qp_solver

qpoases print level

real_t *H

qpoases quadratic problem solver

real_t *g
real_t *A
real_t *lb
real_t *ub
real_t *b
real_t *FOpt
ros::Time last_visualization

quadratic problem variables

Eigen::IOFormat fmt

timestamp for visualization at reasonable intervals

hardware_interface::JointStateInterface joint_state_interface

formator for terminal printouts

hardware_interface::EffortJointInterface joint_command_interface

ros control joint state interface

hardware_interface::CardsflowStateInterface cardsflow_state_interface

ros control joint command interface

hardware_interface::CardsflowCommandInterface cardsflow_command_interface

cardsflow state interface

bool first_update = true

cardsflow command interface

Private Functions

void MoveEndEffector(const roboy_control_msgs::MoveEndEffectorGoalConstPtr &goal)

Move endeffector action server.

  • goal:

bool parseViapoints(const string &viapoints_file_path, vector<Cable> &cables)

parses the cardsflow xml file for viapoint definitions



  • viapoints_file_path: path to the cardsflow.xml file

  • cables: will be filled with the parsed viapoints of the defined cables

bool ForwardKinematicsService(roboy_middleware_msgs::ForwardKinematics::Request &req, roboy_middleware_msgs::ForwardKinematics::Response &res)

Forward kinematic service for endeffectors.



  • req: endeffector, requested joint angles

  • res: 3d resulting position of endeffector

bool InverseKinematicsService(roboy_middleware_msgs::InverseKinematics::Request &req, roboy_middleware_msgs::InverseKinematics::Response &res)

Inverse kinematic service for endeffectors.



  • req: endeffector and ik type

  • res: joint configuration solution

bool InverseKinematicsMultipleFramesService(roboy_middleware_msgs::InverseKinematicsMultipleFrames::Request &req, roboy_middleware_msgs::InverseKinematicsMultipleFrames::Response &res)
void InteractiveMarkerFeedback(const visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerFeedbackConstPtr &msg)

Callback for Interactive Marker Feedback of endeffectors.

When the Interactive Marker is released in rviz, the IK routine is called and the solution directly applied to the robot q_target angles

  • msg: Interactive Marker Feedback message

void JointState(const sensor_msgs::JointStateConstPtr &msg)

Callback for the joint state of the robot.

This can come from gazebo, the real robot or else where.

  • msg: message containing joint_name/angle information

void JointTarget(const sensor_msgs::JointStateConstPtr &msg)

Callback for the joint target of the robot.

  • msg: message containing joint_name/angle information

void FloatingBase(const geometry_msgs::PoseConstPtr &msg)

Callback for the floating base world pose.

This can come from gazebo, the real robot or else where.

  • msg: message containing the 6 DoF pose of the floating base

VectorXd resolve_function(MatrixXd &A_eq, VectorXd &b_eq, VectorXd &f_min, VectorXd &f_max)

Private Members

ros::NodeHandlePtr nh
boost::shared_ptr<ros::AsyncSpinner> spinner

ROS node handle.

ros::Publisher robot_state_pub

async ROS spinner

ros::Publisher tendon_state_pub
ros::Publisher joint_state_pub
ros::Publisher cardsflow_joint_states_pub
ros::Publisher robot_state_target_pub

ROS robot pose and tendon publisher.

ros::Publisher tendon_state_target_pub
ros::Publisher joint_state_target_pub
ros::Subscriber controller_type_sub

target publisher

ros::Subscriber joint_state_sub
ros::Subscriber joint_target_sub
ros::Subscriber floating_base_sub
ros::Subscriber interactive_marker_sub
ros::ServiceServer ik_srv

ROS subscribers.

ros::ServiceServer ik_two_frames_srv
ros::ServiceServer fk_srv
map<string, boost::shared_ptr<actionlib::SimpleActionServer<roboy_control_msgs::MoveEndEffectorAction>>> moveEndEffector_as
map<string, iDynTree::KinDynComputations> ik_models
map<string, iDynTree::InverseKinematics> ik

the robot models for each endeffector

map<string, string> ik_base_link

the ik for each endeffector

struct cardsflow::vrpuppet::Robot::iDynTreeRobotState robotstate
class Robot : public cardsflow::kindyn::Robot

Public Functions

Robot(string urdf, string cardsflow_xml)
void read()

This is the read function and should implement reading the state of your robot.

void write()

This is the write function and should implement writing commands to your robot.

Private Members

ros::NodeHandlePtr nh
bool external_robot_state
class Robot : public RobotHW, public rviz_visualization

Subclassed by MsjPlatform, MsjPlatform, Rickshaw_pedaling, Rikshaw, Rikshaw, Robot, RoboyArcadeMaschine, RoboyHead, RoboyUpperBody, RoboyXylophone, ShoulderTestbed, TheClaw, VRpuppet, Yatr

Public Functions





void init(string urdf_file_path, string viapoints_file_path, vector<string> joint_names)

initializes everything, call before use!

  • urdf_file_path: path to robot urdf

  • viapoints_file_path: path to viapoints xml

  • joint_names: a vector of joint_names to be considered from the model

void update()

Updates the model.

virtual void read()

This is the read function and should implement reading the state of your robot.

virtual void write()

This is the write function and should implement writing commands to your robot.

void forwardKinematics(double dt)

Integrates the robot equation of motions using odeint.

  • dt: the integrations step length in seconds

Public Members

size_t number_of_dofs = 0
vector<string> endeffectors

number of degrees of freedom of the whole robot

map<string, size_t> endeffector_index

names of the endeffectors

vector<size_t> endeffector_number_of_dofs
vector<size_t> endeffector_dof_offset
size_t number_of_joints = 0

number of degrees of freedom of each endeffector

size_t number_of_cables = 0

number of joints of the whole robot

size_t number_of_links = 0

number of cables, ie muscles of the whole robot

Matrix4d world_H_base

number of links of the whole robot

floating base 6-DoF pose

vector<Matrix4d> frame_transform
Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> baseVel
Vector3d gravity

the velocity of the floating base

MatrixXd M

gravity vector (default: (0,0,-9.81)

VectorXd CG

The Mass matrix of the robot.

VectorXd q

The Coriolis+Gravity term of the robot.

VectorXd qd
VectorXd qdd
VectorXd q_min

joint positon, velocity, acceleration

VectorXd q_max
VectorXd q_target

joint limits

VectorXd qd_target
VectorXd qdd_target
VectorXd q_target_prev

joint positon, velocity, acceleration targets

VectorXd qd_target_prev
VectorXd qdd_target_prev
VectorXd l_int

joint positon, velocity, acceleration targets

VectorXd l
VectorXd l_target
vector<VectorXd> Ld

tendon length and length change

VectorXd torques
VectorXd cable_forces

joint torques

vector<VectorXd> ld

the cable forces in Newton

MatrixXd L

tendon length changes for each controller

MatrixXd L_t
MatrixXd S

L and -L^T.

MatrixXd P
MatrixXd V
MatrixXd W
vector<vector<pair<ViaPointPtr, ViaPointPtr>>> segments

matrices of cable model

Protected Types

typedef boost::array<double, 2> state_type

odeint integration time

Protected Attributes

iDynTree::FreeFloatingGeneralizedTorques bias

cable segments

iDynTree::MatrixDynSize Mass

Coriolis+Gravity term.

bool torque_position_controller_active = false

Mass matrix.

bool force_position_controller_active = false
bool cable_length_controller_active = false
VectorXd qdd_torque_control
VectorXd qdd_force_control
vector<Cable> cables
vector<VectorXd> joint_axis

all cables of the robot

joint axis of each joint

vector<string> joint_names

link and joint names of the robot

map<string, int> joint_index
vector<ros::Publisher> joint_command_pub

link and joint indices of the robot

vector<int> controller_type
double integration_time = 0

currently active controller type

vector<state_type> joint_state

second order dynamics integration

vector<state_type> motor_state
bool first_time_solving = true

joint and cable states

int nWSR = 1000
VectorXd f_min

qp working sets

VectorXd f_max
int qp_print_level = PL_NONE
SQProblem qp_solver

qpoases print level

real_t *H

qpoases quadratic problem solver

real_t *g
real_t *A
real_t *lb
real_t *ub
real_t *b
real_t *FOpt
ros::Time last_visualization

quadratic problem variables

Eigen::IOFormat fmt

timestamp for visualization at reasonable intervals

hardware_interface::JointStateInterface joint_state_interface

formator for terminal printouts

hardware_interface::EffortJointInterface joint_command_interface

ros control joint state interface

hardware_interface::CardsflowStateInterface cardsflow_state_interface

ros control joint command interface

hardware_interface::CardsflowCommandInterface cardsflow_command_interface

cardsflow state interface

bool first_update = true

cardsflow command interface

bool external_robot_target = false

Private Functions

void MoveEndEffector(const roboy_control_msgs::MoveEndEffectorGoalConstPtr &goal)

Move endeffector action server.

  • goal:

bool parseViapoints(const string &viapoints_file_path, vector<Cable> &cables)

parses the cardsflow xml file for viapoint definitions



  • viapoints_file_path: path to the cardsflow.xml file

  • cables: will be filled with the parsed viapoints of the defined cables

bool ForwardKinematicsService(roboy_middleware_msgs::ForwardKinematics::Request &req, roboy_middleware_msgs::ForwardKinematics::Response &res)

Forward kinematic service for endeffectors.



  • req: endeffector, requested joint angles

  • res: 3d resulting position of endeffector

bool InverseKinematicsService(roboy_middleware_msgs::InverseKinematics::Request &req, roboy_middleware_msgs::InverseKinematics::Response &res)

Inverse kinematic service for endeffectors.



  • req: endeffector and ik type

  • res: joint configuration solution

bool InverseKinematicsMultipleFramesService(roboy_middleware_msgs::InverseKinematicsMultipleFrames::Request &req, roboy_middleware_msgs::InverseKinematicsMultipleFrames::Response &res)
void InteractiveMarkerFeedback(const visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerFeedbackConstPtr &msg)

Callback for Interactive Marker Feedback of endeffectors.

When the Interactive Marker is released in rviz, the IK routine is called and the solution directly applied to the robot q_target angles

  • msg: Interactive Marker Feedback message

void JointState(const sensor_msgs::JointStateConstPtr &msg)

Callback for the joint state of the robot.

This can come from gazebo, the real robot or else where.

  • msg: message containing joint_name/angle information

void FloatingBase(const geometry_msgs::PoseConstPtr &msg)

Callback for the floating base world pose.

This can come from gazebo, the real robot or else where.

  • msg: message containing the 6 DoF pose of the floating base

VectorXd resolve_function(MatrixXd &A_eq, VectorXd &b_eq, VectorXd &f_min, VectorXd &f_max)
void update_V()

Updates the V matrix of the cable model.

void update_S()

Updates the S matrix of the cable model.

void update_P()

Updates the P matrix of the cable model.

void controllerType(const roboy_simulation_msgs::ControllerTypeConstPtr &msg)

Callback for controller type change.

The controller type defines how the forwardKinematics function integrates the robot states

  • msg: message containing the joint_name/type pair

Private Members

ros::NodeHandlePtr nh
boost::shared_ptr<ros::AsyncSpinner> spinner

ROS node handle.

ros::Publisher robot_state_pub

async ROS spinner

ros::Publisher tendon_state_pub
ros::Publisher joint_state_pub
ros::Publisher robot_state_target_pub

ROS robot pose and tendon publisher.

ros::Publisher tendon_state_target_pub
ros::Publisher joint_state_target_pub
ros::Subscriber controller_type_sub

target publisher

ros::Subscriber joint_state_sub
ros::Subscriber floating_base_sub
ros::Subscriber interactive_marker_sub
ros::ServiceServer ik_srv

ROS subscribers.

ros::ServiceServer ik_two_frames_srv
ros::ServiceServer fk_srv
map<string, boost::shared_ptr<actionlib::SimpleActionServer<roboy_control_msgs::MoveEndEffectorAction>>> moveEndEffector_as
iDynTree::KinDynComputations kinDynComp
iDynTree::KinDynComputations kinDynCompTarget
map<string, iDynTree::KinDynComputations> ik_models

the full robot model

map<string, iDynTree::InverseKinematics> ik

the robot models for each endeffector

map<string, string> ik_base_link

the ik for each endeffector

struct cardsflow::kindyn::Robot::iDynTreeRobotState robotstate
struct RobotConfigurationEstimator : public Functor<double>

Public Functions

RobotConfigurationEstimator(int number_of_samples, int number_of_cables, int number_of_links)
int operator()(const VectorXd &x, VectorXd &fvec) const

This is the function that is called in each iteration.


  • x: the pose vector (3 rotational 3 translational parameters)

  • fvec: the error function (the difference between the sensor positions)

Public Members

int number_of_samples
int number_of_cables
int number_of_links

Public Static Attributes

cardsflow::kindyn::Robot *robot
class Roboy2 : public cardsflow::vrpuppet::Robot

Public Functions

Roboy2(string urdf, string cardsflow_xml)


  • urdf: path to urdf

  • cardsflow_xml: path to cardsflow xml

bool initPose(std_srvs::Empty::Request &req, std_srvs::Empty::Response &res)
void MotorStatus(const roboy_middleware_msgs::MotorStatus::ConstPtr &msg)
void read()

Updates the robot model.

void write()

Sends motor commands to the real robot.

Public Members

ros::NodeHandlePtr nh
ros::Publisher motor_command

ROS nodehandle.

ros::Subscriber motor_status_sub

motor command publisher

ros::ServiceServer init_pose
ros::AsyncSpinner *spinner
map<string, ros::ServiceClient> motor_control_mode
map<string, ros::ServiceClient> motor_config
vector<string> body_parts = {"head"}
map<string, vector<string>> endeffector_jointnames
map<string, bool> motor_status_received
map<string, int> init_mode
map<string, int> init_setpoint
map<string, vector<int>> real_motor_ids
map<string, vector<int>> sim_motor_ids
map<string, vector<int>> motor_type
map<string, vector<double>> l_offset
map<string, vector<double>> position
map<string, vector<double>> velocity
map<string, vector<double>> displacement
map<string, int> bodyPartIDs
map<string, bool> use_motor_config
class RoboyArcadeMaschine : public cardsflow::kindyn::Robot

Public Functions

RoboyArcadeMaschine(string urdf, string cardsflow_xml)


  • urdf: path to urdf

  • cardsflow_xml: path to cardsflow xml

void read()

Updates the robot model and integrates the robot model using the forwardKinematics function with a small step length.

void write()

Sends motor commands to the real robot.

Public Members

ros::NodeHandlePtr nh
ros::Publisher motor_command

ROS nodehandle.

bool external_robot_state

motor command publisher

class RoboyHead : public cardsflow::kindyn::Robot

Public Functions

RoboyHead(string urdf, string cardsflow_xml)


  • urdf: path to urdf

  • cardsflow_xml: path to cardsflow xml

void FaceCoordinates(const geometry_msgs::Point::ConstPtr &msg)
void MotorStatus(const roboy_middleware_msgs::MotorStatus::ConstPtr &msg)
void read()

Updates the robot model and integrates the robot model using the forwardKinematics function with a small step length.

void write()

Sends motor commands to the real robot.

Public Members

ros::NodeHandlePtr nh
ros::Publisher motor_command

ROS nodehandle.

ros::Publisher sphere_head_axis0
ros::Publisher sphere_head_axis1
ros::Publisher sphere_head_axis2
ros::Subscriber motor_status

motor command publisher

ros::Subscriber face_coordinates
ros::ServiceClient sphere_left_axis0_params
ros::ServiceClient sphere_left_axis1_params
ros::ServiceClient sphere_left_axis2_params
map<string, ros::ServiceClient> motor_control_mode
map<string, ros::ServiceClient> motor_config
vector<string> endeffectors = {"shoulder_right"}
map<string, vector<string>> endeffector_jointnames
bool external_robot_state
bool status_received = false

indicates if we get the robot state externally

std_msgs::Float32 roll
std_msgs::Float32 pitch
std_msgs::Float32 yaw
float err_x = 0
float error_y = 0
float pitch_max = 0.33
float pitch_min = -0.50
float yaw_min = -0.50
float yaw_max = 0
map<string,vector<int> > RoboyHead::motors= { {"shoulder_right",{9,10,11,12,13,14}} }
map<string,vector<int> > RoboyHead::sim_motors= { {"shoulder_right",{0,1,2,3,4,5}} }
map<string,vector<float> > RoboyHead::l_change= { {"shoulder_right",{0,0,0,0,0,0}} }
map<string,vector<double> > RoboyHead::l_offset= { {"head",{0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"shoulder_left",{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"shoulder_right",{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"spine_right",{0,0,0,0,0,0}} }
map<string,vector<double> > RoboyHead::encoder_offset= { {"head",{0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"shoulder_left",{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"shoulder_right",{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"spine_right",{0,0,0,0,0,0}} }
class RoboyIcecream : public cardsflow::vrpuppet::Robot

Public Functions

RoboyIcecream(string urdf, string cardsflow_xml)


  • urdf: path to urdf

  • cardsflow_xml: path to cardsflow xml

bool initPose(std_srvs::Empty::Request &req, std_srvs::Empty::Response &res)
void MotorStatus(const roboy_middleware_msgs::MotorStatus::ConstPtr &msg)
void read()

Updates the robot model.

void write()

Sends motor commands to the real robot.

Public Members

ros::NodeHandlePtr nh
ros::Publisher motor_command

ROS nodehandle.

ros::Subscriber motor_status_sub

motor command publisher

ros::ServiceServer init_pose
ros::AsyncSpinner *spinner
map<string, ros::ServiceClient> motor_control_mode
map<string, ros::ServiceClient> motor_config
vector<string> body_parts = {"head", , }
map<string, vector<string>> endeffector_jointnames
map<string, bool> motor_status_received
map<string, int> init_mode
map<string, int> init_setpoint
map<string, vector<int>> real_motor_ids
map<string, vector<int>> sim_motor_ids
map<string, vector<int>> motor_type
map<string, vector<double>> l_offset
map<string, vector<double>> position
map<string, vector<double>> velocity
map<string, vector<double>> displacement
map<string, int> bodyPartIDs
map<string, bool> use_motor_config
class RoboyUpperBody : public cardsflow::kindyn::Robot

Public Functions

RoboyUpperBody(string urdf, string cardsflow_xml)


  • urdf: path to urdf

  • cardsflow_xml: path to cardsflow xml

void read()

Updates the robot model and integrates the robot model using the forwardKinematics function with a small step length.

void write()

Sends motor commands to the real robot.

Public Members

ros::NodeHandlePtr nh
ros::Publisher motor_command

ROS nodehandle.

ros::ServiceClient motor_config

motor command publisher

ros::ServiceClient sphere_left_axis0_params
ros::ServiceClient sphere_left_axis1_params
ros::ServiceClient sphere_left_axis2_params
map<string, ros::ServiceClient> motor_control_mode
vector<string> endeffectors = {"spine_right"}
map<string, vector<string>> endeffector_jointnames
bool external_robot_state
map<string,vector<int> > RoboyUpperBody::motors= { {"head",{9,10,11,12,13,14}}, {"shoulder_left",{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}}, {"shoulder_right",{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11}}, {"spine_right",{9,10,11,12,13,14}} }

indicates if we get the robot state externally

map<string,vector<int> > RoboyUpperBody::sim_motors= { {"head",{36,37,35,34,32,33}}, {"shoulder_left",{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}}, {"shoulder_right",{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11}}, {"spine_right",{11,10,13,14,12,9}} }
map<string,vector<double> > RoboyUpperBody::l_offset= { {"head",{0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"shoulder_left",{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"shoulder_right",{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"spine_right",{0,0,0,0,0,0}} }
class RoboyXylophone : public cardsflow::kindyn::Robot

Public Functions

RoboyXylophone(string urdf, string cardsflow_xml)


  • urdf: path to urdf

  • cardsflow_xml: path to cardsflow xml

void read()

Updates the robot model and integrates the robot model using the forwardKinematics function with a small step length.

void write()

Sends motor commands to the real robot.

Public Members

ros::NodeHandlePtr nh
ros::Publisher motor_command

ROS nodehandle.

bool external_robot_state

motor command publisher

vector<double> l_offset

indicates if we get the robot state externally

class rviz_visualization

Subclassed by cardsflow::kindyn::Robot, cardsflow::vrpuppet::Robot, CardsflowRviz

Public Functions

void initializeInteractiveMarkerServer()
Marker makeBox(InteractiveMarker &msg)
InteractiveMarkerControl &makeBoxControl(InteractiveMarker &msg)
void make6DofMarker(bool fixed, unsigned int interaction_mode, const tf::Vector3 &position, bool show_6dof, double scale = 1, const char *frame = "world", const char *name = "interactive_marker", const char *description = "for interaction and shit")
Vector3d convertGeometryToEigen(const geometry_msgs::Vector3 &vector_in)
geometry_msgs::Vector3 convertEigenToGeometry(const Vector3d &vector_in)
void PoseMsgToTF(const geometry_msgs::Pose &msg, tf::Transform &bt)
void publishMesh(const char *package, const char *relative_path, const char *modelname, Vector3d &pos, Quaterniond &orientation, double scale, const char *frame, const char *ns, int message_id, double duration = 0, COLOR color = COLOR(1, , , ))

Publishes a mesh visualization marker.

  • package: ros package in which this mesh is located

  • relative_path: the relative path inside that ros packae

  • the: mesh file name

  • pos: at this position

  • orientation: with this orientation

  • modelname: name of the mesh.dae

  • frame: in this frame

  • ns: namespace

  • message_id: unique id

  • duration: in seconds

  • color: of the mesh

void publishMesh(const char *package, const char *relative_path, const char *modelname, geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, double scale, const char *frame, const char *ns, int message_id, double duration = 0, COLOR color = COLOR(1, , , ))

Publishes a mesh visualization marker.

  • package: ros package in which this mesh is located

  • relative_path: the relative path inside that ros packae

  • the: mesh file name

  • pose: of mesh

  • modelname: name of the mesh.dae

  • frame: in this frame

  • ns: namespace

  • message_id: unique id

  • duration: in seconds

  • color: of the mesh

void publishSphere(Vector3d &pos, const char *frame, const char *ns, int message_id, COLOR color, float radius = 0.01, double duration = 0)

Publishes a sphere visualization marker.

  • pos: at this positon

  • frame: in this frame

  • ns: namespace

  • message_id: a unique id

  • rgda: rgb color (0-1) plus transparancy

  • duration: for this duration in seconds (0=forever)

void publishSphere(geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, const char *frame, const char *ns, int message_id, COLOR color, float radius = 0.01, double duration = 0)

Publishes a sphere visualization marker.

  • pose: at this positon

  • frame: in this frame

  • ns: namespace

  • message_id: a unique id

  • rgda: rgb color (0-1) plus transparancy

  • duration: for this duration in seconds (0=forever)

void publishCube(Vector3d &pos, Vector4d &quat, const char *frame, const char *ns, int message_id, COLOR color, float radius = 0.01, double duration = 0)

Publishes a cube visualization marker.

  • pos: at this positon

  • quat: with this orientation

  • frame: in this frame

  • ns: namespace

  • message_id: a unique id

  • rgda: rgb color (0-1) plus transparancy

  • duration: for this duration in seconds (0=forever)

void publishCube(geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, const char *frame, const char *ns, int message_id, COLOR color, float radius = 0.01, double duration = 0)

Publishes a cube visualization marker.

  • pose: with this pose

  • frame: in this frame

  • ns: namespace

  • message_id: a unique id

  • rgda: rgb color (0-1) plus transparancy

  • duration: for this duration in seconds (0=forever)

void publishCube(Vector3d &pos, Quaternionf &quat, const char *frame, const char *ns, int message_id, COLOR color, float dx = 0.01, float dy = 0.01, float dz = 0.01, double duration = 0)

Publishes a cube visualization marker.

  • pos: position

  • quat: quaternion

  • frame: in this frame

  • ns: namespace

  • message_id: a unique id

  • rgda: rgb color (0-1) plus transparancy

  • dx: cube x dim

  • dy: cube y dim

  • dz: cube z dim

  • duration: for this duration in seconds (0=forever)

void publishCylinder(Vector3d &pos, const char *frame, const char *ns, int message_id, COLOR color, float radius = 0.01, double duration = 0)

Publishes a cylinder visualization marker.

  • pos: at this positon

  • frame: in this frame

  • ns: namespace

  • message_id: a unique id

  • rgda: rgb color (0-1) plus transparancy

  • duration: for this duration in seconds (0=forever)

void publishRay(Vector3d &pos, Vector3d &dir, const char *frame, const char *ns, int message_id, COLOR color, double duration = 0)

Publishes a ray visualization marker.

  • pos: at this positon

  • dir: direction

  • frame: in this frame

  • message_id: a unique id

  • ns: namespace

  • color: rgb color (0-1) plus transparancy

  • duration: for this duration in seconds (0=forever)

void publishText(Vector3d &pos, const char *text, const char *frame, const char *ns, int message_id, COLOR color, double duration, float height)

Publishes a text message marker.

  • pos: at this positon

  • text: with this text

  • frame: in this frame

  • ns: namespace

  • message_id: a unique id

  • color: rgb color (0-1) plus transparancy

  • duration: for this duration in seconds (0=forever)

  • height: height of the text

void clearMarker(int id)

Clears a marker with this id.

void clearAll()

Clears all markers in rviz.

bool getTransform(string from, string to, geometry_msgs::Pose &transform)

Gets a tf transform.



  • from: source frame

  • to: target frame

  • transform: will be filled with the transform

bool getTransform(string from, string to, Matrix4d &transform)

Gets a tf transform.



  • from: source frame

  • to: target frame

  • transform: will be filled with the transform

bool getLighthouseTransform(bool lighthouse, const char *to, Matrix4d &transform)

Queries the tf listener for the specified transform.


true if available

  • lighthouse:

  • to: another frame

  • transform: the transform if available

bool getLighthouseTransform(const char *from, bool lighthouse, Matrix4d &transform)

Queries the tf listener for the specified transform.


true if available

  • lighthouse:

  • from: another frame

  • transform: the transform if available

bool getTransform(const char *from, const char *to, tf::Transform &transform)

Queries the tf listener for the specified transform.


true if available

  • to: this frame

  • from: another frame

  • transform: the transform if available

bool publishTransform(string from, string to, geometry_msgs::Pose &transform)

Publishes a tf transform.



  • from: source frame

  • to: target frame

  • transform:

Public Members

ros::Publisher visualization_pub
ros::Publisher visualization_array_pub
bool publish_as_marker_array = false
int number_of_markers_to_publish_at_once = 100

Public Static Functions

void processFeedback(const visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerFeedbackConstPtr &feedback)

Private Members

ros::NodeHandlePtr nh
visualization_msgs::MarkerArray marker_array
tf::TransformListener listener
tf::TransformBroadcaster broadcaster

Private Static Attributes

boost::shared_ptr<interactive_markers::InteractiveMarkerServer> interactive_marker_server
interactive_markers::MenuHandler menu_handler
bool first = true
class ShoulderTestbed : public cardsflow::kindyn::Robot

Public Functions

ShoulderTestbed(string urdf, string cardsflow_xml)


  • urdf: path to urdf

  • cardsflow_xml: path to cardsflow xml

void read()

Updates the robot model and if we do not use gazebo for simulation, we integrate using the forwardKinematics function with a small step length.

void write()

Sends motor commands to the real robot.

Public Members

ros::Time last_update
bool external_robot_state
ros::NodeHandlePtr nh

indicates if we get the robot state externally

ros::Publisher motor_command

ROS nodehandle.

double l_offset[NUMBER_OF_MOTORS]

motor command publisher

double winch_radius[8] = {0.007, , , , , , , }
float Kp = 0.001
struct Tendon

Public Members

float force
float l
float ld
vector<geometry_msgs::Vector3> viaPoints
class TheClaw : public cardsflow::kindyn::Robot

Public Functions

TheClaw(string urdf, string cardsflow_xml)


  • urdf: path to urdf

  • cardsflow_xml: path to cardsflow xml

void read()

Updates the robot model and if we do not use gazebo for simulation, we integrate using the forwardKinematics function with a small step length.

int meterPerSecondToServoSpeed(double meterPerSecond)

Converts tendon length chages from the cable model to pwm commands of the real robot.



  • meterPerSecond: tendon length change

void write()

Sends motor commands to the real robot.

Public Members

bool external_robot_state
ros::NodeHandlePtr nh

indicates if we get the robot state externally

ros::Publisher motor_command

ROS nodehandle.

class TorquePositionController : public controller_interface::Controller<hardware_interface::EffortJointInterface>

Public Functions



bool init(hardware_interface::EffortJointInterface *hw, ros::NodeHandle &n)

Initializes the controller.

Will be call by controller_manager when loading this controller



  • hw: pointer to the hardware interface

  • n: the nodehandle

void update(const ros::Time &time, const ros::Duration &period)

Called regularily by controller manager.

The torque for a joint wrt to a PD controller on the joint target position is calculated.

  • time: current time

  • period: period since last control

void starting(const ros::Time &time)

Called by controller manager when the controller is about to be started.

  • time: current time

void stopping(const ros::Time &time)

Called by controller manager when the controller is about to be stopped.

  • time: current time

void JointCommand(const std_msgs::Float32ConstPtr &msg)

Joint position command callback for this joint.

  • msg: joint position target in radians

bool setControllerParameters(roboy_control_msgs::SetControllerParameters::Request &req, roboy_control_msgs::SetControllerParameters::Response &res)

Controller Parameters service.



  • req: requested gains

  • res: success

Private Members

double q_target = 0
double Kp = 3000

joint position target

double Kd = 5
ros::NodeHandle nh

PD gains.

ros::Publisher controller_state

ROS nodehandle.

ros::ServiceServer controller_parameter_srv

publisher for controller state

boost::shared_ptr<ros::AsyncSpinner> spinner

service for controller parameters

hardware_interface::JointHandle joint
ros::Subscriber joint_command
string joint_name

joint command subscriber

class UDPSocket

Public Functions

UDPSocket(const char *server_IP, int server_port, const char *client_IP, int client_port, bool exclusive = true)

Creates a socket on the given server_IP and server_port and sets up the “connection” with the client.

Because it is UDP, there is no handshake, the socket just sends and listens to packages from the client_IP and client_port

  • server_IP: the server socket IP

  • server_port: the server socket port

  • client_IP: the client to send and receive UDP packets to/from

  • client_port: the client port

  • exclusive: receive exclusively packages from client

UDPSocket(const char *client_IP, int client_port, bool exclusive = true)

Tries to guess the users IP and sets up the socket on Port 8000 and “connects” to client_IP on client_port.

  • client_IP: the client to send and receive UDP packets to/from

  • client_port: the client port

  • exclusive: receive exclusively packages from client

UDPSocket(const char *client_IP, int client_port, int server_port, bool exclusive = true)
UDPSocket(int port, int broadcastIP = 0xffffffff, bool broadcaster = false)

Creates a broadcast socket on port.

  • port: on this port

  • broadcastIP: use this broadcast IP

  • broadcaster: if true this binds the port to the broadcast port

UDPSocket(int port, bool broadcaster)

Creates a broadcast socket on port.

  • port: on this port

  • broadcaster: if true this binds the port to the broadcast port

uint32_t receiveHostIP(const char *key, uint32_t &IP)

Receive ROS master IP.


status (0 invalid, 1 too short, 2 too long, 3 accepted)

  • key: only if this key is matched with the UDP message

bool broadcastHostIP(uint32_t IP)

Broadcast ROS master IP.


successfully broadcasted

  • IP: broadcast this IP

bool broadcastHostIP(char *key, int length)

Broadcast ROS master IP of the machine this node was run on.


successfully broadcasted

  • key: the key to unlock

  • length: the length inbytes of the key

bool receiveSensorData(uint32_t &sensorID, bool &lighthouse, bool &axis, uint16_t &sweepDuration)

Listens for UDP package containing lighthouse tracking data.


  • sensorID: sensor id

  • lighthouse: witch lighthouse

  • axis:

  • sweepDuration:

bool receiveSensorData(vector<uint32_t> &sensorID, vector<bool> &lighthouse, vector<bool> &axis, vector<uint32_t> &sweepDuration)
bool convertByte2Text(uint32_t inet, char *inet_str)

Converts a byte internet address to a human readable address.



  • inet:

  • inet_str:

bool convertText2Byte(char *inet_str, uint32_t *inet)

Converts a human readable address to abyte internet address.



  • inet_str:

  • inet:

int receiveUDP()

receive from anyone


received number of bytes

int receiveUDPFromClient()

receive from client


received number of bytes

bool sendUDPToClient()

send to client



Public Members

pair<uint32_t, string> myIP
pair<uint32_t, string> myBroadcastIP
struct sockaddr_in client_addr
ssize_t numbytes

Private Functions

bool setTimeOut(int usecs)

Sets the UDP package receive and send timeout.



  • usecs: time in microseconds

bool whatsMyIP(string &IP, string &Broadcast_IP, bool preferEthernet = true)

Tries to guess your IP.

  • IP: your IP

  • Broadcast_IP: your broadcast IP

  • preferEthernet: if True ethernet will be preferred over wifi

  • success: (fails if I can’t find a valid IP for wifi or ethernet adapter)

bool broadcastUDP()




Private Members

bool initialized = false
int sockfd
struct sockaddr_in server_addr
struct sockaddr_in broadcast_addr
socklen_t client_addr_len
socklen_t server_addr_len
socklen_t broadcast_addr_len
struct addrinfo *servinfo
bool exclusive
struct ViaPoint

Public Functions

ViaPoint(string link_name, Vector3d &local_coordinates, bool fixed_to_world = false)

  • link_name:

  • local_coordinates:

  • fixed_to_world:

Public Members

the name of the link the viapoint belongs to

bool fixed_to_world

the index of the link the viapoint belongs to wrt. the robot model

Vector3d local_coordinates

indicates if the viapoint if moving with the link or is fixed to the world

Vector3d global_coordinates

the local coordinates in the link frame

class VRpuppet : public cardsflow::kindyn::Robot

Public Functions

VRpuppet(string urdf, string cardsflow_xml)


  • urdf: path to urdf

  • cardsflow_xml: path to cardsflow xml

void read()

Updates the robot model and integrates the robot model using the forwardKinematics function with a small step length.

void write()

Sends motor commands to the real robot.

Public Members

ros::NodeHandlePtr nh
ros::Publisher motor_command

ROS nodehandle.

ros::ServiceClient motor_config

motor command publisher

ros::ServiceClient sphere_left_axis0_params
ros::ServiceClient sphere_left_axis1_params
ros::ServiceClient sphere_left_axis2_params
map<string, ros::ServiceClient> motor_control_mode
vector<string> endeffectors = {"spine_right"}
map<string, vector<string>> endeffector_jointnames
bool external_robot_state
map<string,vector<short unsigned int> > VRpuppet::motors= { {"head",{9,10,11,12,13,14}}, {"shoulder_left",{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}}, {"shoulder_right",{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11}}, {"spine_right",{9,10,11,12,13,14}} }

indicates if we get the robot state externally

map<string,vector<short unsigned int> > VRpuppet::sim_motors= { {"head",{36,37,35,34,32,33}}, {"shoulder_left",{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}}, {"shoulder_right",{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11}}, {"spine_right",{11,10,13,14,12,9}} }
map<string,vector<double> > VRpuppet::l_offset= { {"head",{0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"shoulder_left",{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"shoulder_right",{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}, {"spine_right",{0,0,0,0,0,0}} }
class Yatr : public cardsflow::kindyn::Robot

Public Functions

Yatr(string urdf, string cardsflow_xml)
void read()

Updates the robot model and if we do not use gazebo for simulation, we integrate using the forwardKinematics function with a small step length.

void write()

Sends motor commands to the real robot.

Public Members

bool external_robot_state
ros::NodeHandlePtr nh

indicates if we get the robot state externally

ros::Publisher motor_command

ROS nodehandle.

namespace capture_pedal_trajectory




setJointControllerParameters(proportionalVal proportionalVal, derivativeVal derivativeVal)
jointStateCallback(joint_data joint_data)
getPedalPositions(numSamples numSamples)
plotEverything(numSamples numSamples, jointAngleDict jointAngleDict)
inverse_kinematics_client(endeffector endeffector, frame frame, x x, y y, z z)
inverse_kinematics_multiple_frames_client(endeffector endeffector, frames frames, x x, y y, z z, weights weights)

MAIN ###.


string capture_pedal_trajectory.JSON_FILENAME = "captured_pedal_trajectory_22feb.json"
float capture_pedal_trajectory.JOINT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_FK = 0.05
int capture_pedal_trajectory.JOINT_KP = 10
int capture_pedal_trajectory.JOINT_KD = 0
float capture_pedal_trajectory.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_X = 0.09223


float capture_pedal_trajectory.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_Y = 0.00013
float capture_pedal_trajectory.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_Z = 0.00426
int capture_pedal_trajectory.BIKE_OFFSET_X = 0
int capture_pedal_trajectory.BIKE_OFFSET_Y = 0
int capture_pedal_trajectory.BIKE_OFFSET_Z = 0
float capture_pedal_trajectory.PEDAL_RADIUS = 0.16924
float capture_pedal_trajectory.RIGHT_LEG_OFFSET_Y = 0.15796
float capture_pedal_trajectory.LEFT_LEG_OFFSET_Y = -0.18736
string capture_pedal_trajectory.ROS_JOINT_HIP_RIGHT = "joint_hip_right"


string capture_pedal_trajectory.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_RIGHT = "joint_knee_right"
string capture_pedal_trajectory.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_RIGHT = "joint_foot_right"
string capture_pedal_trajectory.ROS_JOINT_HIP_LEFT = "joint_hip_left"
string capture_pedal_trajectory.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_LEFT = "joint_knee_left"
string capture_pedal_trajectory.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_LEFT = "joint_foot_left"
string capture_pedal_trajectory.RIGHT_HIP_JOINT = "right_hip"
string capture_pedal_trajectory.RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT = "right_knee"
string capture_pedal_trajectory.RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT = "right_ankle"
string capture_pedal_trajectory.LEFT_HIP_JOINT = "left_hip"
string capture_pedal_trajectory.LEFT_KNEE_JOINT = "left_knee"
string capture_pedal_trajectory.LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT = "left_ankle"
dictionary capture_pedal_trajectory._jointsStatusData= { RIGHT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }}
namespace capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only


get_distance(point1 point1, point2 point2)


Documentation for a function

Return the distance between two points where points are a list of two coordinates.

setJointControllerParameters(proportionalVal proportionalVal, derivativeVal derivativeVal)
jointStateCallback(joint_data joint_data)
getPedalPositions(numSamples numSamples)
plotEverything(numSamples numSamples, jointAngleDict jointAngleDict)
inverse_kinematics_client(endeffector endeffector, frame frame, x x, y y, z z)
inverse_kinematics_multiple_frames_client(endeffector endeffector, frames frames, x x, y y, z z, weights weights)

MAIN ###.



string capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.JSON_FILENAME = "captured_pedal_trajectory_09mar_with_joint_limits.json"
string capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.TEMP_READFILE = "captured_pedal_trajectory_WHATmar_with_joint_limits.json"
float capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.JOINT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_FK = 0.002
int capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.JOINT_KP = 200
int capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.JOINT_KD = 0
float capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.POINT_REACHED_TOLERANCE = 0.02
capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.LEFT_HIP_JOINT_TEST_CONFIGURATIONS = np.linspace(-0.9, -0.8, 20)
capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.LEFT_KNEE_JOINT_TEST_CONFIGURATIONS = np.linspace(1.9, 1.8, 5)
capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT_TEST_CONFIGURATIONS = np.linspace(0.2, 0.0, 5)
float capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.LEFT_HIP_JOINT_LOWER_LIMIT = -1.9
int capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.LEFT_KNEE_JOINT_LOWER_LIMIT = 0
float capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT_LOWER_LIMIT = -0.7
float capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.LEFT_HIP_JOINT_UPPER_LIMIT = 0.5
float capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.LEFT_KNEE_JOINT_UPPER_LIMIT = 2.0
float capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT_UPPER_LIMIT = 0.7
float capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_X = 0.09222872619138603


float capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_Y = 0.00013171801209023543
float capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_Z = 0.0042772834965418725
int capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.BIKE_OFFSET_X = 0
int capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.BIKE_OFFSET_Y = 0
int capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.BIKE_OFFSET_Z = 0
float capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.PEDAL_RADIUS = 0.16924
float capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.RIGHT_LEG_OFFSET_Y = 0.1579606226770175 - 0.00013171801209023543
float capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.LEFT_LEG_OFFSET_Y = -0.1873561275007122 - 0.00013171801209023543
string capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.ROS_JOINT_HIP_RIGHT = "joint_hip_right"


string capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_RIGHT = "joint_knee_right"
string capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_RIGHT = "joint_foot_right"
string capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.ROS_JOINT_HIP_LEFT = "joint_hip_left"
string capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_LEFT = "joint_knee_left"
string capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_LEFT = "joint_foot_left"
string capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.RIGHT_HIP_JOINT = "right_hip"
string capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT = "right_knee"
string capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT = "right_ankle"
string capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.LEFT_HIP_JOINT = "left_hip"
string capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.LEFT_KNEE_JOINT = "left_knee"
string capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only.LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT = "left_ankle"
dictionary capture_pedal_trajectory_left_leg_only._jointsStatusData= { RIGHT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }}
namespace CARDSflow


enum ControllerType


namespace cardsflow
namespace kindyn


typedef boost::shared_ptr<ViaPoint> ViaPointPtr
namespace vrpuppet
namespace compute_steering_path





MAIN ###.


int compute_steering_path.MAX_TURNING_ANGLE = math.pi / 6


int compute_steering_path.NUM_STEERING_ANGLES = 61
int compute_steering_path.RIKSHAW_TURN_JOINT_X_OFFSET = 0
int compute_steering_path.RIKSHAW_TURN_JOINT_Y_OFFSET = 0
int compute_steering_path.RIKSHAW_TURN_JOINT_Z_OFFSET = 0
float compute_steering_path.HANDLEBAR_X_OFFSET = 0.728713
float compute_steering_path.HANDLEBAR_Z_OFFSET = 0.719269
float compute_steering_path.HAND_Y_OFFSET = 0.125
list compute_steering_path._steeringAngles = []


list compute_steering_path._rightHandTrajectory = []
list compute_steering_path._leftHandTrajectory = []
list compute_steering_path._centerHandlebarTrajectory = []
namespace Eigen
namespace EigenExtension


Matrix3f SkewSymmetric(Vector3f v)

Skew symmetric matrix for cross product computation.


skew symmetric matrix

  • v: 3d Vector

Matrix3d SkewSymmetric2(Vector3d v)

Skew symmetric matrix for cross product computation.


skew symmetric matrix

  • v: 3d Vector

Matrix<float, 2, 1> GetLinearSplineCoefficients(float q_r_i, float q_r_ip1, double t)
Matrix<float, 4, 1> GetCubicSplineCoefficients(float q_r_i, float q_d_r_i, float q_r_ip1, float q_d_r_ip1, double t)
Matrix<float, 6, 1> GetQuinticSplineCoefficients(float q_r_i, float q_d_r_i, float q_dd_r_i, float q_r_ip1, float q_d_r_ip1, float q_dd_r_ip1, double t)
void LinearSplineInterpolate(float *q_r, float *q_d_r, float *q_dd_r, Matrix<float, 2, 1> a, double t)
void CubicSplineInterpolate(float *q_r, float *q_d_r, float *q_dd_r, Matrix<float, 4, 1> a, double t)
void QuinticSplineInterpolate(float *q_r, float *q_d_r, float *q_dd_r, Matrix<float, 6, 1> a, double t)
Matrix3f ComputeRotationMatrix(AngleAxisf a)
Matrix3f ComputeRotationMatrixDeriv(AngleAxisf a, AngleAxisf a_d)
Matrix3f ComputeRotationMatrixDoubleDeriv(AngleAxisf a, AngleAxisf a_d, AngleAxisf a_dd)
MatrixXf Pinv(MatrixXf A)

Pseudo inverse matrix.


Pseudo inverse matrix

  • A:

MatrixXd Pinv(MatrixXd A)

Pseudo inverse matrix.


Pseudo inverse matrix

  • A:

namespace finals_simulation_pedaling


joint_state_callback(joint_data joint_data)

Documentation for a function.

This function collects the current status of the joint-angles and saves them in the global dictionary “joint_status_data”.


Documentation for a function.

Collects and saves all joint- and pedal-angles from the pre-captured trajectory from the (global variable).

get_joint_position(jointName jointName)

Documentation for a function.

Return current joint-angle of .

plot_measured_trajectories(input_float input_float)
get_joint_velocity(jointName jointName)

Documentation for a function.

Return current joint-velocity of .

get_position(endeffector endeffector, frame frame)

Documentation for a function.

Return the postion of the of the correspondent .

set_joint_controller_parameters(proportionalVal proportionalVal, derivativeVal derivativeVal)

Documentation for a function.

Sets Kp of joint-controller to Sets Kd of joint-controller to


Documentation for a function.

Return the position of the left foot of Roboy.


Documentation for a function.

Return the position of the right foot of Roboy.

get_distance(point1 point1, point2 point2)

Documentation for a function.

Return the distance between two points where points are a list of two coordinates.

check_output_limits(inputVal inputVal)

Documentation for a function.

Checks if is inside possible range of joint-angle velocities. If not, returns max-velocity if too high or min-velocity if to low instead of .

compute_velocity(joint_name joint_name, next_joint_angle next_joint_angle, current_joint_angle current_joint_angle, end_time end_time)

Documentation for a function.

Returns ideal joint-velocity for according to and joint-angle-difference between and :

ideal_velocity = joint_angle_difference / (end_time - current_time)

check_pedal_angle_valid(pedal_angle pedal_angle)
get_joint_angle(joint_name joint_name, pedal_angle pedal_angle)

Documentation for a function.

Evaluate and return joint-angle of correspondent to using the interpolated function:

The functions can be used by calling “<function_name>(<pedal_angle>)” ==> returns <joint_angle>


Documentation for a function.

Initializing interpolated functions for joint-angles using pre-captured set points with pedal-angle as input and joint-angle as output:

The functions can be used by calling “<function_name>(<pedal_angle>)” ==> returns <joint_angle>

evaluate_current_pedal_angle(current_point current_point)

Documentation for a function.

Evaluating the current pedal-angle according to the current position of the left foot . Using trigonometric functions for the evaluation of the angle.

publish_velocity(joint_name joint_name, next_joint_angle next_joint_angle, current_joint_angle current_joint_angle, end_time end_time)

Documentation for a function.

For joint :

  • Evaluate ideal velocity in rad/s according to joint-angle-difference and end-time of transition

  • Multiply value with (global variable) to receive velocity in rad/s

  • Multiply value with (global variable) to slow down simulation time.

  • Multiply value with (global variable) of correspondent joint to erase joint-error

  • Publish velocity to joint-controller and sleep until end-time of transition

update_velocity(velocity_Twist velocity_Twist)

Documentation for a function.

Updates the global variables , and TRAJECTORY_POINT_DURATION when a bike-velocity gets published to the topic “cmd_vel”.

get_angle_difference(angle_1 angle_1, angle_2 angle_2)

Documentation for a function.

Returns the absolute difference of two angles within the interval [0;2pi]


Documentation for a function.

Controls the whole pedaling-process.

Evaluates next pedal-angle according to current pedal-angle and (global variable). Uses to compute joint-velocities for every joint-angle for every transition between two. trajectory points.

Use Threads to simultaneously publish and control joint-angles.

Computes joint-angle-error and adjusts error-factors for every joint to optimize ideal joint-velocity for further transitions.

Simplified Pseudo-Code:

while bike_velocity = 0:

for joint in joints:



current_pedal_angle = get_current_pedal_angle(left_foot_position)

next_pedal_angle = current_pedal_angle + (2pi / number_circulation_points)

for joint in joints:

next_joint_angle = interpolation_function(next_pedal_angle)

Thread.publish_velocity(joint_name, current_joint_angle, next_joint_angle, end_time)

for Thread in created_threads:


for joint in joints:



Documentation for a function.

Initializes the Control-Node for Pedaling and starts Pedaling-Algorithm.


bool finals_simulation_pedaling.PRINT_DEBUG = True
int finals_simulation_pedaling.SIMULATION_FACTOR = 100
int finals_simulation_pedaling.NUMBER_CIRCULATION_POINTS = 15
string finals_simulation_pedaling.RECORDED_TRAJECTORY_FILENAME = "trajectory_pedaling/captured_pedal_trajectory_08mar_with_joint_limits.json"
float finals_simulation_pedaling.JOINT_VELOCITY_FACTOR_SIMULATION = 0.008
int finals_simulation_pedaling.CONTROLLER_FREQUENCY = 100
float finals_simulation_pedaling.MIN_JOINT_VEL = -500.0
float finals_simulation_pedaling.MAX_JOINT_VEL = 500.0
int finals_simulation_pedaling.MIN_PEDAL_ANGLE = 0
float finals_simulation_pedaling.RADIUS_BACK_TIRE = 0.294398
float finals_simulation_pedaling.RADIUS_GEAR_CLUSTER = 0.06
float finals_simulation_pedaling.RADIUS_FRONT_CHAIN_RING = 0.075
float finals_simulation_pedaling.BIKE_VELOCITY = 0.0
float finals_simulation_pedaling.PEDAL_SINGLE_ROTATION_DURATION = 0.0
float finals_simulation_pedaling.TRAJECTORY_POINT_DURATION = 0.0
string finals_simulation_pedaling.ROS_JOINT_HIP_RIGHT = "joint_hip_right"
string finals_simulation_pedaling.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_RIGHT = "joint_knee_right"
string finals_simulation_pedaling.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_RIGHT = "joint_foot_right"
string finals_simulation_pedaling.ROS_JOINT_HIP_LEFT = "joint_hip_left"
string finals_simulation_pedaling.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_LEFT = "joint_knee_left"
string finals_simulation_pedaling.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_LEFT = "joint_foot_left"
string finals_simulation_pedaling.RIGHT_HIP_JOINT = "right_hip"
string finals_simulation_pedaling.RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT = "right_knee"
string finals_simulation_pedaling.RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT = "right_ankle"
string finals_simulation_pedaling.LEFT_HIP_JOINT = "left_hip"
string finals_simulation_pedaling.LEFT_KNEE_JOINT = "left_knee"
string finals_simulation_pedaling.LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT = "left_ankle"
list finals_simulation_pedaling.x_pedal_record = [ ]
list finals_simulation_pedaling.y_pedal_record = [ ]
dictionary finals_simulation_pedaling.joint_trajectories_recorded= { "pedal_angle": [], LEFT_HIP_JOINT: [], LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: [], LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: []}
finals_simulation_pedaling.f_interpolated_hip_right = None
finals_simulation_pedaling.f_interpolated_hip_left = None
finals_simulation_pedaling.f_interpolated_knee_right = None
finals_simulation_pedaling.f_interpolated_knee_left = None
finals_simulation_pedaling.f_interpolated_ankle_right = None
finals_simulation_pedaling.f_interpolated_ankle_left = None
finals_simulation_pedaling.f_interpolated_pedal_angle = None
float finals_simulation_pedaling.velocity_error_factor_hip = 1.0
float finals_simulation_pedaling.velocity_error_factor_knee = 1.0
float finals_simulation_pedaling.velocity_error_factor_ankle = 1.0
int finals_simulation_pedaling.velocity_error_counter = 0
finals_simulation_pedaling.ros_right_hip_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_hip_right/joint_hip_right/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
finals_simulation_pedaling.ros_right_knee_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_knee_right/joint_knee_right/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
finals_simulation_pedaling.ros_right_ankle_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_foot_right/joint_foot_right/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
finals_simulation_pedaling.ros_left_hip_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_hip_left/joint_hip_left/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
finals_simulation_pedaling.ros_left_knee_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_knee_left/joint_knee_left/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
finals_simulation_pedaling.ros_left_ankle_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_foot_left/joint_foot_left/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
float finals_simulation_pedaling.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_X = 0.09222872619138603
float finals_simulation_pedaling.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_Y = 0.00013171801209023543
float finals_simulation_pedaling.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_Z = 0.0042772834965418725
list finals_simulation_pedaling._jointsList= [ LEFT_HIP_JOINT, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT ]
dictionary finals_simulation_pedaling._parametersRightHip= { "param_p": 1500.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary finals_simulation_pedaling._parametersRightKnee= { "param_p": 2000.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary finals_simulation_pedaling._parametersRightAnkle= { "param_p": 1000.0, "param_i": 0.0, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary finals_simulation_pedaling._parametersLeftHip= { "param_p": 1500.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary finals_simulation_pedaling._parametersLeftKnee= { "param_p": 2000.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary finals_simulation_pedaling._parametersLeftAnkle= { "param_p": 1000.0, "param_i": 0.0, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary finals_simulation_pedaling._jointsControlData= { RIGHT_HIP_JOINT: _parametersRightHip, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT: _parametersRightKnee, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT: _parametersRightAnkle, LEFT_HIP_JOINT: _parametersLeftHip, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: _parametersLeftKnee, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: _parametersLeftAnkle}
dictionary finals_simulation_pedaling.joint_status_data= { RIGHT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }}
int finals_simulation_pedaling.number_imported_trajectory_points = -1
int finals_simulation_pedaling.trajectoryStartingPoint = 0
list finals_simulation_pedaling.pedalTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list finals_simulation_pedaling.pedalAngleTrajectoryLeft = []
list finals_simulation_pedaling.pedalTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list finals_simulation_pedaling.hipTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list finals_simulation_pedaling.kneeTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list finals_simulation_pedaling.ankleTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list finals_simulation_pedaling.hipTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list finals_simulation_pedaling.kneeTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list finals_simulation_pedaling.ankleTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
namespace hardware_interface
namespace interpolation




string interpolation.RECORDED_TRAJECTORY_FILENAME = "capture_trajectory/captured_trajectory.json"
bool interpolation.PRINT_DEBUG = False
int interpolation.numTrajectoryPoints = 0
int interpolation.trajectoryStartingPoint = 0
list interpolation.pedalTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list interpolation.pedalAngleTrajectoryRight = []
list interpolation.pedalTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list interpolation.hipTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list interpolation.kneeTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list interpolation.ankleTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list interpolation.hipTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list interpolation.kneeTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list interpolation.ankleTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list interpolation.pedalTrajectory = pedalTrajectoryRight
list interpolation.hipTrajectory = hipTrajectoryRight
list interpolation.x = []
list interpolation.y = []
list interpolation.z = []
list interpolation.x_new = []
list interpolation.y_new = []
list interpolation.z_new = []
interpolation.a = range(0, 341, 10)
interpolation.f = interpolate.interp1d(a, hipTrajectory, kind = "cubic")
interpolation.f1 = interpolate.interp2d(x, y, z, kind='cubic')
interpolation.f2 = interpolate.interp2d(x, y, z, kind='linear')
list interpolation.interp1 = []
list interpolation.interp2 = []
list interpolation.interp3 = []
interpolation.a_new = np.arange(0,340, 0.05)
interpolation.some_value = f(a_new)
list interpolation.temp1 = []
list interpolation.temp2 = []
list interpolation.temp3 = []
int interpolation.mean_error1 = 0
interpolation.max_error1 = 0
int interpolation.mean_error2 = 0
interpolation.max_error2 = 0
int interpolation.mean_error3 = 0
int interpolation.max_error3 = 0
interpolation.current_error = np.abs(temp1[i ] - z_new[i ])
namespace joint_angle_velocity_factor_test


jointStateCallback(joint_data joint_data)


getJointPosition(jointName jointName)
getJointVelocity(jointName jointName)
getPosition(endeffector endeffector, frame frame)
getDistance(point1 point1, point2 point2)
setPedalSingleRotationDuration(new_duration_seconds new_duration_seconds)
interpolateTrajectoryPoints(value1 value1, value2 value2, startTime startTime, currTime currTime, endTime endTime)


checkOutputLimits(inputVal inputVal)
computeVelocitySetpoint(jointName jointName, next_joint_angle next_joint_angle, current_joint_angle current_joint_angle, startTime startTime, currTime currTime, endTime endTime)
get_joint_angle(thisJointName thisJointName, trajectory_angle trajectory_angle)
evaluate_current_angle(current_point current_point)
publish_velocity(thisJointName thisJointName, next_joint_angle next_joint_angle, current_joint_angle current_joint_angle, _startTime _startTime, _currTime _currTime, _endTime _endTime)

MAIN ###.


bool joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.PRINT_DEBUG = False


string joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.RECORDED_TRAJECTORY_FILENAME = "capture_trajectory/old_captured_trajectory.json"
float joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.PEDAL_POSITION_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 0.02
float joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.JOINT_TRAJECTORY_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 0.02
int joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.PEDAL_SINGLE_ROTATION_DURATION = 20
int joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.NUMBER_CIRCULATION_POINTS = 72
int joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.TRAJECTORY_POINT_DURATION = 10
int joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.CONTROLLER_FREQUENCY = 100
int joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.MIN_JOINT_VEL = -500
int joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.MAX_JOINT_VEL = 500
int joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.JOINT_VELOCITY_FACTOR = 1000
list joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.x_pedal_record = [ ]


list joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.y_pedal_record = [ ]
string joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.ROS_JOINT_HIP_RIGHT = "joint_hip_right"
string joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_RIGHT = "joint_knee_right"
string joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_RIGHT = "joint_foot_right"
string joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.ROS_JOINT_HIP_LEFT = "joint_hip_left"
string joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_LEFT = "joint_knee_left"
string joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_LEFT = "joint_foot_left"
string joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.RIGHT_HIP_JOINT = "right_hip"
string joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT = "right_knee"
string joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT = "right_ankle"
string joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.LEFT_HIP_JOINT = "left_hip"
string joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.LEFT_KNEE_JOINT = "left_knee"
string joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT = "left_ankle"
joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.f_interpolated_hip_right = None
joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.f_interpolated_hip_left = None
joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.f_interpolated_knee_right = None
joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.f_interpolated_knee_left = None
joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.f_interpolated_ankle_right = None
joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.f_interpolated_ankle_left = None
joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.f_interpolated_pedal_angle = None
float joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.velocity_error_factor_hip = 1.0
float joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.velocity_error_factor_knee = 1.0
float joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.velocity_error_factor_ankle = 1.0
joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.ros_right_hip_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_hip_right/joint_hip_right/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.ros_right_knee_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_knee_right/joint_knee_right/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.ros_right_ankle_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_foot_right/joint_foot_right/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.ros_left_hip_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_hip_left/joint_hip_left/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.ros_left_knee_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_knee_left/joint_knee_left/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.ros_left_ankle_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_foot_left/joint_foot_left/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
float joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_X = 0.20421
float joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_Y = -0.00062
float joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_Z = 0.2101
dictionary joint_angle_velocity_factor_test._parametersRightHip= { "param_p": 1500.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary joint_angle_velocity_factor_test._parametersRightKnee= { "param_p": 2000.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary joint_angle_velocity_factor_test._parametersRightAnkle= { "param_p": 1000.0, "param_i": 0.0, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary joint_angle_velocity_factor_test._parametersLeftHip= { "param_p": 1500.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary joint_angle_velocity_factor_test._parametersLeftKnee= { "param_p": 2000.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary joint_angle_velocity_factor_test._parametersLeftAnkle= { "param_p": 1000.0, "param_i": 0.0, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary joint_angle_velocity_factor_test._jointsControlData= { RIGHT_HIP_JOINT: _parametersRightHip, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT: _parametersRightKnee, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT: _parametersRightAnkle, LEFT_HIP_JOINT: _parametersLeftHip, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: _parametersLeftKnee, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: _parametersLeftAnkle}
dictionary joint_angle_velocity_factor_test._jointsStatusData= { RIGHT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }}
int joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.number_imported_trajectory_points = -1
int joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.trajectoryStartingPoint = 0
list joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.pedalTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.pedalAngleTrajectoryRight = []
list joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.pedalTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.hipTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.kneeTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.ankleTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.hipTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.kneeTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.ankleTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
string joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.INIT = "INIT"


string joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.PEDAL = "PEDAL"
string joint_angle_velocity_factor_test.UPDATE_PARAMETERS = "UPDATE_PARAMETERS"
namespace kp_kp


setJointControllerParameters(proportionalVal proportionalVal, derivativeVal derivativeVal)


string kp_kp.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS0_RIGHT = "right_shoulder_axis0"
string kp_kp.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS1_RIGHT = "right_shoulder_axis1"
string kp_kp.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS2_RIGHT = "right_shoulder_axis2"
string kp_kp.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS0_LEFT = "left_shoulder_axis0"
string kp_kp.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS1_LEFT = "left_shoulder_axis1"
string kp_kp.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS2_LEFT = "left_shoulder_axis2"
string kp_kp.JOINT_ELBOW_RIGHT = "elbow_right"
string kp_kp.JOINT_ELBOW_LEFT = "elbow_left"
string kp_kp.JOINT_WRIST_RIGHT_SPHERE_AXIS0 = "wrist_right_sphere_axis0"
string kp_kp.JOINT_WRIST_RIGHT_SPHERE_AXIS1 = "wrist_right_sphere_axis1"
string kp_kp.JOINT_WRIST_RIGHT_SPHERE_AXIS2 = "wrist_right_sphere_axis2"
string kp_kp.JOINT_WRIST_LEFT_SPHERE_AXIS0 = "wrist_left_sphere_axis0"
string kp_kp.JOINT_WRIST_LEFT_SPHERE_AXIS1 = "wrist_left_sphere_axis1"
string kp_kp.JOINT_WRIST_LEFT_SPHERE_AXIS2 = "wrist_left_sphere_axis2"
string kp_kp.ROS_JOINT_HIP_RIGHT = "joint_hip_right"
string kp_kp.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_RIGHT = "joint_knee_right"
string kp_kp.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_RIGHT = "joint_foot_right"
string kp_kp.ROS_JOINT_HIP_LEFT = "joint_hip_left"
string kp_kp.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_LEFT = "joint_knee_left"
string kp_kp.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_LEFT = "joint_foot_left"
namespace new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory




setJointControllerParameters(proportionalVal proportionalVal, derivativeVal derivativeVal)
jointStateCallback(joint_data joint_data)
inverse_kinematics_client(endeffector endeffector, frame frame, x x, y y, z z, roll roll, pitch pitch, yaw yaw)

MAIN ###.


int new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.MAX_TURNING_ANGLE = math.pi / 15


int new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.NUM_STEERING_ANGLES = 61
float new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.RIKSHAW_TURN_JOINT_X_OFFSET = -0.23003546880974085 + (-0.716390260045379)
float new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.RIKSHAW_TURN_JOINT_Y_OFFSET = -0.010388308215364166 + (0.010388552481776845)
float new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.RIKSHAW_TURN_JOINT_Z_OFFSET = -0.2052706960113988 + (0.21643769422809594)
int new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.YAW_RIGHT_HAND_OFFSET = math.pi / 2 + math.pi
int new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.YAW_LEFT_HAND_OFFSET = 3 * math.pi / 2 + math.pi
float new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.HANDLEBAR_X_OFFSET = 0.728713
float new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.HANDLEBAR_Z_OFFSET = 0.719269
float new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.HAND_Y_OFFSET = 0.2
string new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.JSON_FILENAME = "new_hand_steering_trajectory.json"
float new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_FK = 0.01
string new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.ENDEFFECTOR_RIGHT = "right_arm"
string new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.FRAME_RIGHT = "wrist_right_sphere_link1"
string new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.ENDEFFECTOR_LEFT = "left_arm"
string new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.FRAME_LEFT = "wrist_left_sphere_link1"
int new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.BIKE_OFFSET_X = 0


int new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.BIKE_OFFSET_Y = 0
int new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.BIKE_OFFSET_Z = 0
list new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory._steeringAngles = []


list new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory._rightHandTrajectory = []
list new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory._leftHandTrajectory = []
list new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory._centerHandlebarTrajectory = []
string new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS0_RIGHT = "right_shoulder_axis0"
string new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS1_RIGHT = "right_shoulder_axis1"
string new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS2_RIGHT = "right_shoulder_axis2"
string new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS0_LEFT = "left_shoulder_axis0"
string new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS1_LEFT = "left_shoulder_axis1"
string new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS2_LEFT = "left_shoulder_axis2"
string new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_ELBOW_RIGHT = "elbow_right"
string new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_ELBOW_LEFT = "elbow_left"
string new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_WRIST_RIGHT_SPHERE_AXIS0 = "wrist_right_sphere_axis0"
string new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_WRIST_LEFT_SPHERE_AXIS0 = "wrist_left_sphere_axis0"
dictionary new_hand_steering_capture_trajectory._jointsStatusData
namespace pedal_simulation


joint_state_callback(joint_data joint_data)

Documentation for a function.

This function collects the current status of the joint-angles and saves them in the global dictionary “joint_status_data”.


Documentation for a function.

Collects and saves all joint- and pedal-angles from the pre-captured trajectory from the (global variable).

get_joint_position(jointName jointName)

Documentation for a function.

Return current joint-angle of .

get_joint_velocity(jointName jointName)

Documentation for a function.

Return current joint-velocity of .

get_position(endeffector endeffector, frame frame)

Documentation for a function.

Return the postion of the of the correspondent .

set_joint_controller_parameters(proportionalVal proportionalVal, derivativeVal derivativeVal)

Documentation for a function.

Sets Kp of joint-controller to Sets Kd of joint-controller to


Documentation for a function.

Return the position of the left foot of Roboy.


Documentation for a function.

Return the position of the right foot of Roboy.

get_distance(point1 point1, point2 point2)

Documentation for a function.

Return the distance between two points where points are a list of two coordinates.

check_output_limits(inputVal inputVal)

Documentation for a function.

Checks if is inside possible range of joint-angle velocities. If not, returns max-velocity if too high or min-velocity if to low instead of .

compute_velocity(joint_name joint_name, next_joint_angle next_joint_angle, current_joint_angle current_joint_angle, end_time end_time)

Documentation for a function.

Returns ideal joint-velocity for according to and joint-angle-difference between and :

ideal_velocity = joint_angle_difference / (end_time - current_time)

get_joint_angle(joint_name joint_name, pedal_angle pedal_angle)

Documentation for a function.

Evaluate and return joint-angle of correspondent to using the interpolated function:

The functions can be used by calling “<function_name>(<pedal_angle>)” ==> returns <joint_angle>


Documentation for a function.

Initializing interpolated functions for joint-angles using pre-captured set points with pedal-angle as input and joint-angle as output:

The functions can be used by calling “<function_name>(<pedal_angle>)” ==> returns <joint_angle>

evaluate_current_pedal_angle(current_point current_point)

Documentation for a function.

Evaluating the current pedal-angle according to the current position of the left foot . Using trigonometric functions for the evaluation of the angle.

publish_velocity(joint_name joint_name, next_joint_angle next_joint_angle, current_joint_angle current_joint_angle, end_time end_time)

Documentation for a function.

For joint :

  • Evaluate ideal velocity in rad/s according to joint-angle-difference and end-time of transition

  • Multiply value with (global variable) to receive velocity in rad/s

  • Multiply value with (global variable) to slow down simulation time.

  • Multiply value with (global variable) of correspondent joint to erase joint-error

  • Publish velocity to joint-controller and sleep until end-time of transition

update_velocity(velocity_Twist velocity_Twist)

Documentation for a function.

Updates the global variables , and TRAJECTORY_POINT_DURATION when a bike-velocity gets published to the topic “cmd_vel”.

get_angle_difference(angle_1 angle_1, angle_2 angle_2)

Documentation for a function.

Returns the absolute difference of two angles within the interval [0;2pi]


Documentation for a function.

Controls the whole pedaling-process.

Evaluates next pedal-angle according to current pedal-angle and (global variable). Uses to compute joint-velocities for every joint-angle for every transition between two. trajectory points.

Use Threads to simultaneously publish and control joint-angles.

Computes joint-angle-error and adjusts error-factors for every joint to optimize ideal joint-velocity for further transitions.

Simplified Pseudo-Code:

while bike_velocity = 0:

for joint in joints:



current_pedal_angle = get_current_pedal_angle(left_foot_position)

next_pedal_angle = current_pedal_angle + (2pi / number_circulation_points)

for joint in joints:

next_joint_angle = interpolation_function(next_pedal_angle)

Thread.publish_velocity(joint_name, current_joint_angle, next_joint_angle, end_time)

for Thread in created_threads:


for joint in joints:



Documentation for a function.

Initializes the Control-Node for Pedaling and starts Pedaling-Algorithm.


bool pedal_simulation.PRINT_DEBUG = True
float pedal_simulation.SIMULATION_FACTOR = 100.0
int pedal_simulation.NUMBER_CIRCULATION_POINTS = 30
string pedal_simulation.RECORDED_TRAJECTORY_FILENAME = "trajectory_pedaling/captured_trajectory_old.json"
float pedal_simulation.JOINT_VELOCITY_FACTOR_SIMULATION = 0.01
float pedal_simulation.PEDAL_POSITION_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 0.02
float pedal_simulation.JOINT_TRAJECTORY_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 0.02
int pedal_simulation.CONTROLLER_FREQUENCY = 100
float pedal_simulation.MIN_JOINT_VEL = -500.0
float pedal_simulation.MAX_JOINT_VEL = 500.0
float pedal_simulation.RADIUS_BACK_TIRE = 0.294398
float pedal_simulation.RADIUS_GEAR_CLUSTER = 0.06
float pedal_simulation.RADIUS_FRONT_CHAIN_RING = 0.075
float pedal_simulation.BIKE_VELOCITY = 0.0
float pedal_simulation.PEDAL_SINGLE_ROTATION_DURATION = 0.0
float pedal_simulation.TRAJECTORY_POINT_DURATION = 0.0
list pedal_simulation.x_pedal_record = [ ]
list pedal_simulation.y_pedal_record = [ ]
string pedal_simulation.ROS_JOINT_HIP_RIGHT = "joint_hip_right"
string pedal_simulation.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_RIGHT = "joint_knee_right"
string pedal_simulation.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_RIGHT = "joint_foot_right"
string pedal_simulation.ROS_JOINT_HIP_LEFT = "joint_hip_left"
string pedal_simulation.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_LEFT = "joint_knee_left"
string pedal_simulation.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_LEFT = "joint_foot_left"
string pedal_simulation.RIGHT_HIP_JOINT = "right_hip"
string pedal_simulation.RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT = "right_knee"
string pedal_simulation.RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT = "right_ankle"
string pedal_simulation.LEFT_HIP_JOINT = "left_hip"
string pedal_simulation.LEFT_KNEE_JOINT = "left_knee"
string pedal_simulation.LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT = "left_ankle"
pedal_simulation.f_interpolated_hip_right = None
pedal_simulation.f_interpolated_hip_left = None
pedal_simulation.f_interpolated_knee_right = None
pedal_simulation.f_interpolated_knee_left = None
pedal_simulation.f_interpolated_ankle_right = None
pedal_simulation.f_interpolated_ankle_left = None
pedal_simulation.f_interpolated_pedal_angle = None
float pedal_simulation.velocity_error_factor_hip = 1.0
float pedal_simulation.velocity_error_factor_knee = 1.0
float pedal_simulation.velocity_error_factor_ankle = 1.0
int pedal_simulation.velocity_error_counter = 0
pedal_simulation.ros_right_hip_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_hip_right/joint_hip_right/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
pedal_simulation.ros_right_knee_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_knee_right/joint_knee_right/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
pedal_simulation.ros_right_ankle_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_foot_right/joint_foot_right/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
pedal_simulation.ros_left_hip_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_hip_left/joint_hip_left/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
pedal_simulation.ros_left_knee_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_knee_left/joint_knee_left/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
pedal_simulation.ros_left_ankle_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_foot_left/joint_foot_left/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
float pedal_simulation.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_X = 0.20421
float pedal_simulation.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_Y = -0.00062
float pedal_simulation.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_Z = 0.2101
dictionary pedal_simulation._parametersRightHip= { "param_p": 1500.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation._parametersRightKnee= { "param_p": 2000.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation._parametersRightAnkle= { "param_p": 1000.0, "param_i": 0.0, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation._parametersLeftHip= { "param_p": 1500.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation._parametersLeftKnee= { "param_p": 2000.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation._parametersLeftAnkle= { "param_p": 1000.0, "param_i": 0.0, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation._jointsControlData= { RIGHT_HIP_JOINT: _parametersRightHip, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT: _parametersRightKnee, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT: _parametersRightAnkle, LEFT_HIP_JOINT: _parametersLeftHip, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: _parametersLeftKnee, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: _parametersLeftAnkle}
dictionary pedal_simulation.joint_status_data= { RIGHT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }}
int pedal_simulation.number_imported_trajectory_points = -1
int pedal_simulation.trajectoryStartingPoint = 0
list pedal_simulation.pedalTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list pedal_simulation.pedalAngleTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list pedal_simulation.pedalTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list pedal_simulation.hipTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list pedal_simulation.kneeTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list pedal_simulation.ankleTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list pedal_simulation.hipTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list pedal_simulation.kneeTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list pedal_simulation.ankleTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
namespace pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative


jointStateCallback(joint_data joint_data)


setJointControllerParameters(proportionalVal proportionalVal, derivativeVal derivativeVal)
getJointPosition(jointName jointName)
getJointVelocity(jointName jointName)
getDistance(point1 point1, point2 point2)
setPedalSingleRotationDuration(new_duration_seconds new_duration_seconds)
getCurrentAngle(current_point current_point)
checkOutputLimits(inputVal inputVal)





MAIN ###.


bool pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.PRINT_DEBUG = True


string pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.RECORDED_TRAJECTORY_FILENAME = "capture_trajectory/desember_pedal_trajectory.json"
float pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.PEDAL_POSITION_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 0.02
float pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.PEDAL_ANGLE_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 0.02
float pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.JOINT_TRAJECTORY_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 0.02
int pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.PEDAL_SINGLE_ROTATION_DURATION = 40
int pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.CONTROLLER_FREQUENCY = 100
int pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.MIN_JOINT_VEL = -50
int pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.MAX_JOINT_VEL = 50
int pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.JOINT_VELOCITY_FACTOR = 1
float pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_X = 0.20421
float pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_Y = -0.00062
float pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_Z = 0.2101
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.x_pedal_record = []


list pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.y_pedal_record = []
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.ROS_JOINT_HIP_RIGHT = "joint_hip_right"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_RIGHT = "joint_knee_right"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_RIGHT = "joint_foot_right"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.ROS_JOINT_HIP_LEFT = "joint_hip_left"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_LEFT = "joint_knee_left"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_LEFT = "joint_foot_left"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.RIGHT_HIP_JOINT = "right_hip"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT = "right_knee"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT = "right_ankle"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.LEFT_HIP_JOINT = "left_hip"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.LEFT_KNEE_JOINT = "left_knee"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative.LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT = "left_ankle"
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._jointsList = [RIGHT_HIP_JOINT, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT, LEFT_HIP_JOINT, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT]
dictionary pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._parametersRightHip= { "param_p": 150.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "pos_function": None # interpolate.interp1d(_interpolate_x_dummy, _interpolate_z_dummy, kind = "cubic")}
dictionary pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._parametersRightKnee= { "param_p": 200.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "pos_function": None # interpolate.interp1d(_interpolate_x_dummy, _interpolate_z_dummy, kind = "cubic")}
dictionary pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._parametersRightAnkle= { "param_p": 100.0, "param_i": 0.0, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "pos_function": None # interpolate.interp1d(_interpolate_x_dummy, _interpolate_z_dummy, kind = "cubic")}
dictionary pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._parametersLeftHip= { "param_p": 150.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "pos_function": None # interpolate.interp1d(_interpolate_x_dummy, _interpolate_z_dummy, kind = "cubic")}
dictionary pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._parametersLeftKnee= { "param_p": 200.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "pos_function": None # interpolate.interp1d(_interpolate_x_dummy, _interpolate_z_dummy, kind = "cubic")}
dictionary pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._parametersLeftAnkle= { "param_p": 100.0, "param_i": 0.0, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "pos_function": None # interpolate.interp1d(_interpolate_x_dummy, _interpolate_z_dummy, kind = "cubic")}
dictionary pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._jointsControlData= { RIGHT_HIP_JOINT: _parametersRightHip, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT: _parametersRightKnee, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT: _parametersRightAnkle, LEFT_HIP_JOINT: _parametersLeftHip, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: _parametersLeftKnee, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: _parametersLeftAnkle}
dictionary pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._jointsStatusData= { RIGHT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }}
int pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._numTrajectoryPoints = -1
int pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._trajectoryStartingPoint = 0
float pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._trajectoryPointDuration = 1.0
float pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._pedalAngularVelocity = 0.1
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._pedalTrajectoryRight = []
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._pedalAngleTrajectoryRight = []
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._hipTrajectoryRight = []
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._kneeTrajectoryRight = []
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._ankleTrajectoryRight = []
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._pedalTrajectoryLeft = []
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._pedalAngleTrajectoryLeft = []
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._hipTrajectoryLeft = []
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._kneeTrajectoryLeft = []
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_cubic_derivative._ankleTrajectoryLeft = []
namespace pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points


jointStateCallback(joint_data joint_data)


setJointControllerParameters(proportionalVal proportionalVal, derivativeVal derivativeVal)
getJointPosition(jointName jointName)
getJointVelocity(jointName jointName)
getPosition(endeffector endeffector, frame frame)
getDistance(point1 point1, point2 point2)
setPedalSingleRotationDuration(new_duration_seconds new_duration_seconds)
interpolateTrajectoryPoints(value1 value1, value2 value2, startTime startTime, currTime currTime, endTime endTime)


checkOutputLimits(inputVal inputVal)
computeVelocitySetpoint(jointName jointName, endPos endPos, startTime startTime, currTime currTime, endTime endTime)

MAIN ###.


bool pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.PRINT_DEBUG = True


string pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.RECORDED_TRAJECTORY_FILENAME = "../trajectory_pedaling/desember_pedal_trajectory.json"
float pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.PEDAL_POSITION_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 0.02
float pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.JOINT_TRAJECTORY_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 0.02
int pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.PEDAL_SINGLE_ROTATION_DURATION = 20
int pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.TRAJECTORY_POINT_DURATION = 1
int pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.CONTROLLER_FREQUENCY = 100
int pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.MIN_JOINT_VEL = -500
int pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.MAX_JOINT_VEL = 500
int pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.JOINT_VELOCITY_FACTOR = 1000
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.x_pedal_record = []


list pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.y_pedal_record = []
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.ROS_JOINT_HIP_RIGHT = "joint_hip_right"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_RIGHT = "joint_knee_right"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_RIGHT = "joint_foot_right"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.ROS_JOINT_HIP_LEFT = "joint_hip_left"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_LEFT = "joint_knee_left"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_LEFT = "joint_foot_left"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.RIGHT_HIP_JOINT = "right_hip"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT = "right_knee"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT = "right_ankle"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.LEFT_HIP_JOINT = "left_hip"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.LEFT_KNEE_JOINT = "left_knee"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT = "left_ankle"
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points._jointsList = [RIGHT_HIP_JOINT, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT, LEFT_HIP_JOINT, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT]
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points._jointsListROS = [ROS_JOINT_HIP_RIGHT, ROS_JOINT_KNEE_RIGHT, ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_RIGHT, ROS_JOINT_HIP_LEFT, ROS_JOINT_KNEE_LEFT, ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_LEFT]
dictionary pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points._parametersRightHip= { "param_p": 1500.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points._parametersRightKnee= { "param_p": 2000.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points._parametersRightAnkle= { "param_p": 1000.0, "param_i": 0.0, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points._parametersLeftHip= { "param_p": 1500.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points._parametersLeftKnee= { "param_p": 2000.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points._parametersLeftAnkle= { "param_p": 1000.0, "param_i": 0.0, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points._jointsControlData= { RIGHT_HIP_JOINT: _parametersRightHip, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT: _parametersRightKnee, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT: _parametersRightAnkle, LEFT_HIP_JOINT: _parametersLeftHip, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: _parametersLeftKnee, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: _parametersLeftAnkle}
dictionary pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points._jointsStatusData= { RIGHT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }}
int pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.numTrajectoryPoints = -1
int pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.trajectoryStartingPoint = 0
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.pedalTrajectoryRight = []
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.pedalTrajectoryLeft = []
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.hipTrajectoryRight = []
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.kneeTrajectoryRight = []
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.ankleTrajectoryRight = []
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.hipTrajectoryLeft = []
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.kneeTrajectoryLeft = []
list pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.ankleTrajectoryLeft = []
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.INIT = "INIT"


string pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.PEDAL = "PEDAL"
string pedal_simulation_interpolation_linear_trajectory_points.UPDATE_PARAMETERS = "UPDATE_PARAMETERS"
namespace pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental


joint_state_callback(joint_data joint_data)

Documentation for a function.

This function collects the current status of the joint-angles and saves them in the global dictionary “joint_status_data”.


Documentation for a function.

Collects and saves all joint- and pedal-angles from the pre-captured trajectory from the (global variable).

get_joint_position(jointName jointName)

Documentation for a function.

Return current joint-angle of .

get_joint_velocity(jointName jointName)

Documentation for a function.

Return current joint-velocity of .

get_position(endeffector endeffector, frame frame)

Documentation for a function.

Return the postion of the of the correspondent .

set_joint_controller_parameters(proportionalVal proportionalVal, derivativeVal derivativeVal)

Documentation for a function.

Sets Kp of joint-controller to Sets Kd of joint-controller to


Documentation for a function.

Return the position of the left foot of Roboy.


Documentation for a function.

Return the position of the right foot of Roboy.

get_distance(point1 point1, point2 point2)

Documentation for a function.

Return the distance between two points where points are a list of two coordinates.

check_output_limits(inputVal inputVal)

Documentation for a function.

Checks if is inside possible range of joint-angle velocities. If not, returns max-velocity if too high or min-velocity if to low instead of .

compute_velocity(joint_name joint_name, next_joint_angle next_joint_angle, current_joint_angle current_joint_angle, end_time end_time)

Documentation for a function.

Returns ideal joint-velocity for according to and joint-angle-difference between and :

ideal_velocity = joint_angle_difference / (end_time - current_time)

get_joint_angle(joint_name joint_name, pedal_angle pedal_angle)

Documentation for a function.

Evaluate and return joint-angle of correspondent to using the interpolated function:

The functions can be used by calling “<function_name>(<pedal_angle>)” ==> returns <joint_angle>


Documentation for a function.

Initializing interpolated functions for joint-angles using pre-captured set points with pedal-angle as input and joint-angle as output:

The functions can be used by calling “<function_name>(<pedal_angle>)” ==> returns <joint_angle>

evaluate_current_pedal_angle(current_point current_point)

Documentation for a function.

Evaluating the current pedal-angle according to the current position of the left foot . Using trigonometric functions for the evaluation of the angle.

publish_velocity(joint_name joint_name, next_joint_angle next_joint_angle, current_joint_angle current_joint_angle, end_time end_time)

Documentation for a function.

For joint :

  • Evaluate ideal velocity in rad/s according to joint-angle-difference and end-time of transition

  • Multiply value with (global variable) to receive velocity in rad/s

  • Multiply value with (global variable) to slow down simulation time.

  • Multiply value with (global variable) of correspondent joint to erase joint-error

  • Publish velocity to joint-controller and sleep until end-time of transition

update_velocity(velocity_Twist velocity_Twist)

Documentation for a function.

Updates the global variables , and TRAJECTORY_POINT_DURATION when a bike-velocity gets published to the topic “cmd_vel”.

get_angle_difference(angle_1 angle_1, angle_2 angle_2)

Documentation for a function.

Returns the absolute difference of two angles within the interval [0;2pi]


Documentation for a function.

Controls the whole pedaling-process.

Evaluates next pedal-angle according to current pedal-angle and (global variable). Uses to compute joint-velocities for every joint-angle for every transition between two. trajectory points.

Use Threads to simultaneously publish and control joint-angles.

Computes joint-angle-error and adjusts error-factors for every joint to optimize ideal joint-velocity for further transitions.

Simplified Pseudo-Code:

while bike_velocity = 0:

for joint in joints:



current_pedal_angle = get_current_pedal_angle(left_foot_position)

next_pedal_angle = current_pedal_angle + (2pi / number_circulation_points)

for joint in joints:

next_joint_angle = interpolation_function(next_pedal_angle)

Thread.publish_velocity(joint_name, current_joint_angle, next_joint_angle, end_time)

for Thread in created_threads:


for joint in joints:



Documentation for a function.

Initializes the Control-Node for Pedaling and starts Pedaling-Algorithm.


bool pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.PRINT_DEBUG = True
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.SIMULATION_FACTOR = 100.0
int pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.NUMBER_CIRCULATION_POINTS = 30
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.RECORDED_TRAJECTORY_FILENAME = "trajectory_pedaling/captured_pedal_trajectory_03mar_with_joint_limits.json"
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.JOINT_VELOCITY_FACTOR_SIMULATION = 0.008
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.PEDAL_POSITION_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 0.02
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.JOINT_TRAJECTORY_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 0.02
int pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.CONTROLLER_FREQUENCY = 100
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.MIN_JOINT_VEL = -500.0
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.MAX_JOINT_VEL = 500.0
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.RADIUS_BACK_TIRE = 0.294398
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.RADIUS_GEAR_CLUSTER = 0.06
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.RADIUS_FRONT_CHAIN_RING = 0.075
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.BIKE_VELOCITY = 0.0
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.PEDAL_SINGLE_ROTATION_DURATION = 0.0
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.TRAJECTORY_POINT_DURATION = 0.0
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.x_pedal_record = [ ]
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.y_pedal_record = [ ]
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.ROS_JOINT_HIP_RIGHT = "joint_hip_right"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_RIGHT = "joint_knee_right"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_RIGHT = "joint_foot_right"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.ROS_JOINT_HIP_LEFT = "joint_hip_left"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_LEFT = "joint_knee_left"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_LEFT = "joint_foot_left"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.RIGHT_HIP_JOINT = "right_hip"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT = "right_knee"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT = "right_ankle"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.LEFT_HIP_JOINT = "left_hip"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.LEFT_KNEE_JOINT = "left_knee"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT = "left_ankle"
pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.f_interpolated_hip_right = None
pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.f_interpolated_hip_left = None
pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.f_interpolated_knee_right = None
pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.f_interpolated_knee_left = None
pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.f_interpolated_ankle_right = None
pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.f_interpolated_ankle_left = None
pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.f_interpolated_pedal_angle = None
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.velocity_error_factor_hip = 1.0
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.velocity_error_factor_knee = 1.0
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.velocity_error_factor_ankle = 1.0
int pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.velocity_error_counter = 0
pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.ros_right_hip_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_hip_right/joint_hip_right/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.ros_right_knee_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_knee_right/joint_knee_right/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.ros_right_ankle_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_foot_right/joint_foot_right/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.ros_left_hip_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_hip_left/joint_hip_left/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.ros_left_knee_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_knee_left/joint_knee_left/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.ros_left_ankle_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_foot_left/joint_foot_left/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_X = 0.0002782913867391912
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_Y = -0.035131649555820536
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_Z = 0.0010093313481022886
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.OLD_X_OFFSET = 0.7163902600571725 + 0.23003546879794612
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.OLD_Y_OFFSET = -0.010388552466272516 + 0.010388308199859624
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.OLD_Z_OFFSET = 0.2164376942146126 - 0.20527069599791542
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.NEW_X_OFFSET = -0.23003546880974085 + (-0.716390260045379)
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.NEW_Y_OFFSET = -0.010388308215364166 + (0.010388552481776845)
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.NEW_Z_OFFSET = -0.2052706960113988 + (0.21643769422809594)
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.DIFF_X_OFFSET = NEW_X_OFFSET - OLD_X_OFFSET
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.DIFF_Y_OFFSET = NEW_Y_OFFSET - OLD_Y_OFFSET
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.DIFF_Z_OFFSET = NEW_Z_OFFSET - OLD_Z_OFFSET
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental._jointsList= [ LEFT_HIP_JOINT, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT ]
dictionary pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental._parametersRightHip= { "param_p": 1500.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental._parametersRightKnee= { "param_p": 2000.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental._parametersRightAnkle= { "param_p": 1000.0, "param_i": 0.0, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental._parametersLeftHip= { "param_p": 1500.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental._parametersLeftKnee= { "param_p": 2000.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental._parametersLeftAnkle= { "param_p": 1000.0, "param_i": 0.0, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental._jointsControlData= { RIGHT_HIP_JOINT: _parametersRightHip, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT: _parametersRightKnee, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT: _parametersRightAnkle, LEFT_HIP_JOINT: _parametersLeftHip, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: _parametersLeftKnee, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: _parametersLeftAnkle}
dictionary pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.joint_status_data= { RIGHT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }}
int pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.number_imported_trajectory_points = -1
int pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.trajectoryStartingPoint = 0
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.pedalTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.pedalAngleTrajectoryLeft = []
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.pedalTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.hipTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.kneeTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.ankleTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.hipTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.kneeTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_experimental.ankleTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
namespace pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos


joint_state_callback(joint_data joint_data)

Documentation for a function.

This function collects the current status of the joint-angles and saves them in the global dictionary “joint_status_data”.


Documentation for a function.

Collects and saves all joint- and pedal-angles from the pre-captured trajectory from the (global variable).

get_joint_position(jointName jointName)

Documentation for a function.

Return current joint-angle of .

get_joint_velocity(jointName jointName)

Documentation for a function.

Return current joint-velocity of .

get_position(endeffector endeffector, frame frame)

Documentation for a function.

Return the postion of the of the correspondent .

set_joint_controller_parameters(proportionalVal proportionalVal, derivativeVal derivativeVal)

Documentation for a function.

Sets Kp of joint-controller to Sets Kd of joint-controller to


Documentation for a function.

Return the position of the left foot of Roboy.


Documentation for a function.

Return the position of the right foot of Roboy.

get_distance(point1 point1, point2 point2)

Documentation for a function.

Return the distance between two points where points are a list of two coordinates.

check_output_limits(inputVal inputVal)

Documentation for a function.

Checks if is inside possible range of joint-angle velocities. If not, returns max-velocity if too high or min-velocity if to low instead of .

compute_velocity(joint_name joint_name, next_joint_angle next_joint_angle, current_joint_angle current_joint_angle, end_time end_time)

Documentation for a function.

Returns ideal joint-velocity for according to and joint-angle-difference between and :

ideal_velocity = joint_angle_difference / (end_time - current_time)

get_joint_angle(joint_name joint_name, pedal_angle pedal_angle)

Documentation for a function.

Evaluate and return joint-angle of correspondent to using the interpolated function:

The functions can be used by calling “<function_name>(<pedal_angle>)” ==> returns <joint_angle>


Documentation for a function.

Initializing interpolated functions for joint-angles using pre-captured set points with pedal-angle as input and joint-angle as output:

The functions can be used by calling “<function_name>(<pedal_angle>)” ==> returns <joint_angle>

evaluate_current_pedal_angle(current_point current_point)

Documentation for a function.

Evaluating the current pedal-angle according to the current position of the left foot . Using trigonometric functions for the evaluation of the angle.

publish_velocity(joint_name joint_name, next_joint_angle next_joint_angle, current_joint_angle current_joint_angle, end_time end_time)

Documentation for a function.

For joint :

  • Evaluate ideal velocity in rad/s according to joint-angle-difference and end-time of transition

  • Multiply value with (global variable) to receive velocity in rad/s

  • Multiply value with (global variable) to slow down simulation time.

  • Multiply value with (global variable) of correspondent joint to erase joint-error

  • Publish velocity to joint-controller and sleep until end-time of transition

update_velocity(velocity_Twist velocity_Twist)

Documentation for a function.

Updates the global variables , and TRAJECTORY_POINT_DURATION when a bike-velocity gets published to the topic “cmd_vel”.

get_angle_difference(angle_1 angle_1, angle_2 angle_2)

Documentation for a function.

Returns the absolute difference of two angles within the interval [0;2pi]


Documentation for a function.

Controls the whole pedaling-process.

Evaluates next pedal-angle according to current pedal-angle and (global variable). Uses to compute joint-velocities for every joint-angle for every transition between two. trajectory points.

Use Threads to simultaneously publish and control joint-angles.

Computes joint-angle-error and adjusts error-factors for every joint to optimize ideal joint-velocity for further transitions.

Simplified Pseudo-Code:

while bike_velocity = 0:

for joint in joints:



current_pedal_angle = get_current_pedal_angle(left_foot_position)

next_pedal_angle = current_pedal_angle + (2pi / number_circulation_points)

for joint in joints:

next_joint_angle = interpolation_function(next_pedal_angle)

Thread.publish_velocity(joint_name, current_joint_angle, next_joint_angle, end_time)

for Thread in created_threads:


for joint in joints:



Documentation for a function.

Initializes the Control-Node for Pedaling and starts Pedaling-Algorithm.


bool pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.PRINT_DEBUG = True
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.SIMULATION_FACTOR = 100.0
int pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.NUMBER_CIRCULATION_POINTS = 30
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.RECORDED_TRAJECTORY_FILENAME = "trajectory_pedaling/captured_pedal_trajectory_03mar_with_joint_limits.json"
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.JOINT_VELOCITY_FACTOR_SIMULATION = 0.008
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.PEDAL_POSITION_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 0.02
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.JOINT_TRAJECTORY_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 0.02
int pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.CONTROLLER_FREQUENCY = 100
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.MIN_JOINT_VEL = -10.0
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.MAX_JOINT_VEL = 10.0
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.RADIUS_BACK_TIRE = 0.294398
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.RADIUS_GEAR_CLUSTER = 0.06
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.RADIUS_FRONT_CHAIN_RING = 0.075
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.OLD_X_OFFSET = 0.7163902600571725 + 0.23003546879794612
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.OLD_Y_OFFSET = -0.010388552466272516 + 0.010388308199859624
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.OLD_Z_OFFSET = 0.2164376942146126 - 0.20527069599791542
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.NEW_X_OFFSET = -0.23003546880974085 + (-0.716390260045379)
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.NEW_Y_OFFSET = -0.010388308215364166 + (0.010388552481776845)
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.NEW_Z_OFFSET = -0.2052706960113988 + (0.21643769422809594)
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.DIFF_X_OFFSET = NEW_X_OFFSET - OLD_X_OFFSET
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.DIFF_Y_OFFSET = NEW_Y_OFFSET - OLD_Y_OFFSET
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.DIFF_Z_OFFSET = NEW_Z_OFFSET - OLD_Z_OFFSET
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.BIKE_VELOCITY = 0.0
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.PEDAL_SINGLE_ROTATION_DURATION = 20.0
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.TRAJECTORY_POINT_DURATION = 0.0
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.x_pedal_record = [ ]
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.y_pedal_record = [ ]
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.ROS_JOINT_HIP_RIGHT = "joint_hip_right"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_RIGHT = "joint_knee_right"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_RIGHT = "joint_foot_right"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.ROS_JOINT_HIP_LEFT = "joint_hip_left"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.ROS_JOINT_KNEE_LEFT = "joint_knee_left"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.ROS_JOINT_ANKLE_LEFT = "joint_foot_left"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.RIGHT_HIP_JOINT = "right_hip"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT = "right_knee"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT = "right_ankle"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.LEFT_HIP_JOINT = "left_hip"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.LEFT_KNEE_JOINT = "left_knee"
string pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT = "left_ankle"
pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.f_interpolated_hip_right = None
pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.f_interpolated_hip_left = None
pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.f_interpolated_knee_right = None
pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.f_interpolated_knee_left = None
pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.f_interpolated_ankle_right = None
pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.f_interpolated_ankle_left = None
pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.f_interpolated_pedal_angle = None
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.velocity_error_factor_hip = 1.0
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.velocity_error_factor_knee = 1.0
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.velocity_error_factor_ankle = 1.0
int pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.velocity_error_counter = 0
pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.ros_right_hip_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_hip_right/joint_hip_right/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.ros_right_knee_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_knee_right/joint_knee_right/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.ros_right_ankle_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_foot_right/joint_foot_right/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.ros_left_hip_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_hip_left/joint_hip_left/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.ros_left_knee_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_knee_left/joint_knee_left/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.ros_left_ankle_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/joint_foot_left/joint_foot_left/target', Float32, queue_size=2)
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_X = 0.0002782913867391912
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_Y = -0.035131649555820536
float pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.PEDAL_CENTER_OFFSET_Z = 0.0010093313481022886
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos._jointsList= [ LEFT_HIP_JOINT, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT ]
dictionary pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos._parametersRightHip= { "param_p": 1500.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos._parametersRightKnee= { "param_p": 2000.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos._parametersRightAnkle= { "param_p": 1000.0, "param_i": 0.0, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos._parametersLeftHip= { "param_p": 1500.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos._parametersLeftKnee= { "param_p": 2000.0, "param_i": 0.05, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos._parametersLeftAnkle= { "param_p": 1000.0, "param_i": 0.0, "param_d": 0.0, "prev_pos": 0.0, "prev_vel": 0.0, "prev_time": 0.0, "prev_error": 0.0, "pos_error_integral": 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint": 0.0, "trajectory_endpoint": 0.0, "ideal_velocity": 0.0, "bool_update_iv": True}
dictionary pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos._jointsControlData= { RIGHT_HIP_JOINT: _parametersRightHip, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT: _parametersRightKnee, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT: _parametersRightAnkle, LEFT_HIP_JOINT: _parametersLeftHip, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: _parametersLeftKnee, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: _parametersLeftAnkle}
dictionary pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.joint_status_data= { RIGHT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_HIP_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: { "Pos": 0.0, "Vel": 0.0 }}
int pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.number_imported_trajectory_points = -1
int pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.trajectoryStartingPoint = 0
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.pedalTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.pedalAngleTrajectoryLeft = []
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.pedalTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.hipTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.kneeTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.ankleTrajectoryRight = [ ]
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.hipTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.kneeTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
list pedal_simulation_left_leg_fk_pos.ankleTrajectoryLeft = [ ]
namespace pedaling

Documentation for this module.

Control of Roboys’ hip, knees and feet for pedaling. In order to reach the requested bike-velocity, we compute correspondent angular-velocity for the pedals. The circulation is ideally divided into trajectory points represented by angles within the circulation circle (pedal-angle). With angle-difference between two points and angular-velocity we use the correspondent transition time to control the joints in order to create a pedaling motion for Roboy.

For every joint, we use cubic spline interpolation of pre-captured set points with pedal_angle as input to receive continuous function to be able to get the corresponding joint-angle for every pedal-angle. This enables to use joint-angle-difference between two trajectory-points and transition time to compute and apply velocity-control to the joint-angles to create pedaling-motion

In order to decrease and hopefully erase velocity-error, we multiply the computed (ideal) velocity with an error-factor which is computed and dependent on the velocity-error of previous transitions and measured by pedal-angle-error

Test-script for testing the accuracy of a requested velocity and the transition-time (acceleration) between two different velocities, which is only important for testing in reality, because there is no transition-time between different velocities in simulation.

and determine the time-steps in seconds for the measurement of velocity and determine the size of a step between two different velocities in m/s

namespace qpOASES
namespace roboython


compute_leg_length(hip_angle hip_angle, knee_angle knee_angle, ankle_angle ankle_angle)
get_pedal_position_x(pedal_angle pedal_angle)
get_pedal_position_y(pedal_angle pedal_angle)
compute_distance(x1 x1, y1 y1, x2 x2, y2 y2)


int roboython.corner_angle = math.pi/2
float roboython.thigh_along = 309.75
float roboython.thigh_across = 7.46
float roboython.leg_along = 347.50
float roboython.leg_across = 7.0
float roboython.foot_along = 110.0
float roboython.foot_across = 47.0
float roboython.pedal_offset = 11.88
float roboython.pedal_radius = 169.24
roboython.maximum_length = compute_leg_length(0, 0, -(math.pi/4))
roboython.minimum_length = compute_leg_length(math.pi/2, 2*math.pi/3, (math.pi/4))
roboython.length_difference = maximum_length - minimum_length
list roboython.candidate_x_list = []
list roboython.candidate_y_list = []
list roboython.confirmed_hip_positions = [[]]
list roboython.confirmed_x_positions = []
list roboython.confirmed_y_positions = []
int roboython.N_ANGLES_CHECKED = 36
int roboython.discarded = 0
roboython.pedal_x = get_pedal_position_x(pedal_angle_iter*math.pi*2/N_ANGLES_CHECKED)
roboython.pedal_y = get_pedal_position_y(pedal_angle_iter * math.pi * 2 / N_ANGLES_CHECKED)
roboython.this_distance = compute_distance(pedal_x, pedal_y, candidate_x, candidate_y)
namespace state_machine




setJointVelocity(jointName jointName, jointVel jointVel)
getJointVelocity(jointName jointName)
getJointPosition(jointName jointName)
getDistance(point1 point1, point2 point2)
setPedalSingleRotationDuration(new_duration_seconds new_duration_seconds)
interpolateTrajectoryPoints(jointName jointName, value1 value1, value2 value2, startTime startTime, currTime currTime, endTime endTime)
computeVelocitySetpoint(jointName jointName, currPos currPos, currTime currTime, goalPos goalPos)



MAIN ###.


string state_machine.CONTROL_PARAMETERS_FILENAME = "control_parameters_ddr.json"


string state_machine.RECORDED_TRAJECTORY_FILENAME = "recorded_trajectory_ddr.json"
int state_machine.TRAJECTORY_POINT_DURATION = 0
int state_machine.CONTROLLER_FREQUENCY = 20
float state_machine.TESTING_VELOCITY1 = 0.0


string state_machine.RIGHT_HIP_JOINT = "right_hip"
string state_machine.RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT = "right_knee"
string state_machine.RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT = "right_ankle"
string state_machine.LEFT_HIP_JOINT = "left_hip"
string state_machine.LEFT_KNEE_JOINT = "left_knee"
string state_machine.LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT = "left_ankle"
dictionary state_machine._parametersRightHip= { "param_p": 1.0, "param_i" 0.0, "param_d" 0.0, "prev_pos" 0.0, "prev_vel" 0.0, "prev_time" 0.0, "prev_error" 0.0, "pos_error_integral" 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint" 0.0}
dictionary state_machine._parametersRightKnee= { "param_p": 1.0, "param_i" 0.0, "param_d" 0.0, "prev_pos" 0.0, "prev_vel" 0.0, "prev_time" 0.0, "prev_error" 0.0, "pos_error_integral" 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint" 0.0}
dictionary state_machine._parametersRightAnkle= { "param_p": 1.0, "param_i" 0.0, "param_d" 0.0, "prev_pos" 0.0, "prev_vel" 0.0, "prev_time" 0.0, "prev_error" 0.0, "pos_error_integral" 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint" 0.0}
dictionary state_machine._parametersLeftHip= { "param_p": 1.0, "param_i" 0.0, "param_d" 0.0, "prev_pos" 0.0, "prev_vel" 0.0, "prev_time" 0.0, "prev_error" 0.0, "pos_error_integral" 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint" 0.0}
dictionary state_machine._parametersLeftKnee= { "param_p": 1.0, "param_i" 0.0, "param_d" 0.0, "prev_pos" 0.0, "prev_vel" 0.0, "prev_time" 0.0, "prev_error" 0.0, "pos_error_integral" 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint" 0.0}
dictionary state_machine._parametersLeftAnkle= { "param_p": 1.0, "param_i" 0.0, "param_d" 0.0, "prev_pos" 0.0, "prev_vel" 0.0, "prev_time" 0.0, "prev_error" 0.0, "pos_error_integral" 0.0, "trajectory_startpoint" 0.0}
dictionary state_machine._jointsControlData= { RIGHT_HIP_JOINT: _parametersRightHip, RIGHT_KNEE_JOINT: _parametersRightKnee, RIGHT_ANKLE_JOINT: _parametersRightAnkle, LEFT_HIP_JOINT: _parametersLeftHip, LEFT_KNEE_JOINT: _parametersLeftKnee, LEFT_ANKLE_JOINT: _parametersLeftAnkle}
int state_machine._numTrajectoryPoints = 0
int state_machine._trajectoryStartingPoint = 0
list state_machine._pedalTrajectory = []
list state_machine._hipTrajectory = []
list state_machine._kneeTrajectory = []
list state_machine._ankleTrajectory = []
string state_machine.INIT = "INIT"


string state_machine.PEDAL = "PEDAL"
namespace std
namespace steering

Documentation for this module.

Control of Roboys’ shoulders, elbows and wrists for steering. In order to reach the requested steering-angle we target intermediate points between the current and the requested steering-angle to ensure Roboys’ hands are following the captured steering-trajectory.

In order to target a point on the steering-trajectory for the hands, we use an interpolation-function for the joint angles with steering-angle as input that uses precomputed set-points of all joint-angles according to a certain steering-angle.

Test-script for testing the transition-time between two different-steering-angles. Accuracy-measurement is not important as we are using position-control for the joint-angles and assume they are working.

determines the amount of steps for measurement between min and max angle. The program saves all transition-times between two angles going from min to max and from max to min anngle and saves them in two separate lists.

namespace steering_capture_multiple_trajectories


setJointControllerParameters(proportionalVal proportionalVal, derivativeVal derivativeVal)


jointStateCallback(joint_data joint_data)
inverse_kinematics_client(endeffector endeffector, frame frame, x x, y y, z z, roll roll, pitch pitch, yaw yaw)

MAIN ###.


int steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.MAX_TURNING_ANGLE = math.pi / 15


int steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.NUM_STEERING_ANGLES = 61
int steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.POINT_MULTIPLICITY = 50
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.JSON_FILENAME = "multiple_steering_trajectory_temp.json"
float steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.JOINT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_FK = 0.01
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.ENDEFFECTOR_RIGHT = "right_hand"
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.FRAME_RIGHT = "right_hand"
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.ENDEFFECTOR_LEFT = "left_hand"
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.FRAME_LEFT = "left_hand"
int steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.BIKE_OFFSET_X = 0


int steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.BIKE_OFFSET_Y = 0
int steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.BIKE_OFFSET_Z = 0
float steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.RIKSHAW_TURN_JOINT_X_OFFSET = 0.7163902600571725 + 0.23003546879794612
float steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.RIKSHAW_TURN_JOINT_Y_OFFSET = -0.010388552466272516 + 0.010388308199859624
float steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.RIKSHAW_TURN_JOINT_Z_OFFSET = 0.2164376942146126 - 0.20527069599791542
int steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.YAW_RIGHT_HAND_OFFSET = math.pi / 2 + math.pi
int steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.YAW_LEFT_HAND_OFFSET = 3 * math.pi / 2 + math.pi
float steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.HANDLEBAR_X_OFFSET = 0.728713
float steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.HANDLEBAR_Z_OFFSET = 0.719269
float steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.HAND_Y_OFFSET = 0.2
list steering_capture_multiple_trajectories._steeringAngles = []


list steering_capture_multiple_trajectories._rightHandTrajectory = []
list steering_capture_multiple_trajectories._leftHandTrajectory = []
list steering_capture_multiple_trajectories._centerHandlebarTrajectory = []
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS0_RIGHT = "right_shoulder_axis0"
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS1_RIGHT = "right_shoulder_axis1"
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS2_RIGHT = "right_shoulder_axis2"
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS0_LEFT = "left_shoulder_axis0"
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS1_LEFT = "left_shoulder_axis1"
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS2_LEFT = "left_shoulder_axis2"
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.JOINT_ELBOW_ROT0_RIGHT = "elbow_right_rot0"
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.JOINT_ELBOW_ROT1_RIGHT = "elbow_right_rot1"
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.JOINT_ELBOW_ROT0_LEFT = "elbow_left_rot0"
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.JOINT_ELBOW_ROT1_LEFT = "elbow_left_rot1"
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.JOINT_WRIST_0_RIGHT = "right_wrist_0"
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.JOINT_WRIST_1_RIGHT = "right_wrist_1"
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.JOINT_WRIST_0_LEFT = "left_wrist_0"
string steering_capture_multiple_trajectories.JOINT_WRIST_1_LEFT = "left_wrist_1"
dictionary steering_capture_multiple_trajectories._jointsStatusData
namespace steering_capture_trajectory




setJointControllerParameters(proportionalVal proportionalVal, derivativeVal derivativeVal)
jointStateCallback(joint_data joint_data)
inverse_kinematics_client(endeffector endeffector, frame frame, x x, y y, z z, roll roll, pitch pitch, yaw yaw)

MAIN ###.


int steering_capture_trajectory.MAX_TURNING_ANGLE = math.pi / 15


int steering_capture_trajectory.NUM_STEERING_ANGLES = 61
float steering_capture_trajectory.RIKSHAW_TURN_JOINT_X_OFFSET = 0.7163902600571725 + 0.23003546879794612
float steering_capture_trajectory.RIKSHAW_TURN_JOINT_Y_OFFSET = -0.010388552466272516 + 0.010388308199859624
float steering_capture_trajectory.RIKSHAW_TURN_JOINT_Z_OFFSET = 0.2164376942146126 - 0.20527069599791542
int steering_capture_trajectory.YAW_RIGHT_HAND_OFFSET = math.pi / 2 + math.pi
int steering_capture_trajectory.YAW_LEFT_HAND_OFFSET = 3 * math.pi / 2 + math.pi
float steering_capture_trajectory.HANDLEBAR_X_OFFSET = 0.728713
float steering_capture_trajectory.HANDLEBAR_Z_OFFSET = 0.719269
float steering_capture_trajectory.HAND_Y_OFFSET = 0.2
string steering_capture_trajectory.JSON_FILENAME = "steering_trajectory.json"
float steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_ANGLE_TOLERANCE_FK = 0.01
string steering_capture_trajectory.ENDEFFECTOR_RIGHT = "right_hand"
string steering_capture_trajectory.FRAME_RIGHT = "right_hand"
string steering_capture_trajectory.ENDEFFECTOR_LEFT = "left_hand"
string steering_capture_trajectory.FRAME_LEFT = "left_hand"
int steering_capture_trajectory.BIKE_OFFSET_X = 0


int steering_capture_trajectory.BIKE_OFFSET_Y = 0
int steering_capture_trajectory.BIKE_OFFSET_Z = 0
list steering_capture_trajectory._steeringAngles = []


list steering_capture_trajectory._rightHandTrajectory = []
list steering_capture_trajectory._leftHandTrajectory = []
list steering_capture_trajectory._centerHandlebarTrajectory = []
string steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS0_RIGHT = "right_shoulder_axis0"
string steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS1_RIGHT = "right_shoulder_axis1"
string steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS2_RIGHT = "right_shoulder_axis2"
string steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS0_LEFT = "left_shoulder_axis0"
string steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS1_LEFT = "left_shoulder_axis1"
string steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS2_LEFT = "left_shoulder_axis2"
string steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_ELBOW_ROT0_RIGHT = "elbow_right_rot0"
string steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_ELBOW_ROT1_RIGHT = "elbow_right_rot1"
string steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_ELBOW_ROT0_LEFT = "elbow_left_rot0"
string steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_ELBOW_ROT1_LEFT = "elbow_left_rot1"
string steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_WRIST_0_RIGHT = "right_wrist_0"
string steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_WRIST_1_RIGHT = "right_wrist_1"
string steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_WRIST_0_LEFT = "left_wrist_0"
string steering_capture_trajectory.JOINT_WRIST_1_LEFT = "left_wrist_1"
dictionary steering_capture_trajectory._jointsStatusData
namespace steering_interpolate_and_print





MAIN ###.


string steering_interpolate_and_print.RECORDED_TRAJECTORY_FILENAME = "steering_trajectory.json"


bool steering_interpolate_and_print.PRINT_DEBUG = True
string steering_interpolate_and_print.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS0_RIGHT = "right_shoulder_axis0"


string steering_interpolate_and_print.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS1_RIGHT = "right_shoulder_axis1"
string steering_interpolate_and_print.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS2_RIGHT = "right_shoulder_axis2"
string steering_interpolate_and_print.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS0_LEFT = "left_shoulder_axis0"
string steering_interpolate_and_print.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS1_LEFT = "left_shoulder_axis1"
string steering_interpolate_and_print.JOINT_SHOULDER_AXIS2_LEFT = "left_shoulder_axis2"
string steering_interpolate_and_print.JOINT_ELBOW_ROT0_RIGHT = "elbow_right_rot0"
string steering_interpolate_and_print.JOINT_ELBOW_ROT1_RIGHT = "elbow_right_rot1"
string steering_interpolate_and_print.JOINT_ELBOW_ROT0_LEFT = "elbow_left_rot0"
string steering_interpolate_and_print.JOINT_ELBOW_ROT1_LEFT = "elbow_left_rot1"
string steering_interpolate_and_print.JOINT_WRIST_0_RIGHT = "right_wrist_0"
string steering_interpolate_and_print.JOINT_WRIST_1_RIGHT = "right_wrist_1"
string steering_interpolate_and_print.JOINT_WRIST_0_LEFT = "left_wrist_0"
string steering_interpolate_and_print.JOINT_WRIST_1_LEFT = "left_wrist_1"
int steering_interpolate_and_print._numTrajectoryPoints = 0
list steering_interpolate_and_print._trajectorySteering = []
list steering_interpolate_and_print._trajectoryShoulder0Right = []
list steering_interpolate_and_print._trajectoryShoulder1Right = []
list steering_interpolate_and_print._trajectoryShoulder2Right = []
list steering_interpolate_and_print._trajectoryShoulder0Left = []
list steering_interpolate_and_print._trajectoryShoulder1Left = []
list steering_interpolate_and_print._trajectoryShoulder2Left = []
list steering_interpolate_and_print._trajectoryElbow0Right = []
list steering_interpolate_and_print._trajectoryElbow1Right = []
list steering_interpolate_and_print._trajectoryElbow0Left = []
list steering_interpolate_and_print._trajectoryElbow1Left = []
list steering_interpolate_and_print._trajectoryWrist0Right = []
list steering_interpolate_and_print._trajectoryWrist1Right = []
list steering_interpolate_and_print._trajectoryWrist0Left = []
list steering_interpolate_and_print._trajectoryWrist1Left = []
steering_interpolate_and_print._interpolatedShoulder0Right = None
steering_interpolate_and_print._interpolatedShoulder1Right = None
steering_interpolate_and_print._interpolatedShoulder2Right = None
steering_interpolate_and_print._interpolatedShoulder0Left = None
steering_interpolate_and_print._interpolatedShoulder1Left = None